I take the viewer to a central Missouri watershed lake and explain how I fish a spinnerbait for big bass. I key in on the laying logs and the shallow shoreline and not the deep middle of the lake. As a bonus I catch the largest Hybred Bass I’ve ever caught!
23 52 Less than a minute
I grew up watching you perform i couldn't wait for Saturday mornings and watch you fish when i was a kid and im 44yrs old and like to watch you fish
Roland , on march 26th i was fishing in middle of a servere thunder storm with sky to ground lightning , so about 09:27Am i get my bait caster and tie on the googan squad micro zinger spinner bait solid white , on my last cast i caught a lil 2pound largemouth , so i ran inside fast as i could safely go , with ole 2 pounds dangling on the hook i show my mom while i was on the verge of tears , she says why do i look like im about to be in tears , which i replied cause this is my 1st Largemouth bass on my 1st baitcaster on the spinnerbait this year , i swear that spinnerbait saved my life that day , then aftet i took photos so post on instagram i ran back out and released ole 2 pounds in the water , but i swear the spinnerbait saved my life
Good job rollen
Love that spinnerbait bite
Whooo Son!!!! Keep it up Roland, love your videos!🇺🇸
Lovin’ these videos and explanations Roland! God bless! 🎣
No ‘naturally’ formed lake should be off limits to its citizens, so sick of private development!
That's a lot of fish tacos with Roland where I am from we don't have them in CT if we did WOW
Are you using a trailer?
Roland your camera is fine. Enjoy the fight and fish. We can see everything great
You’re the man Roland!! I lost what I guessed was prolly a 7 or 8 lb bass on a chatterbait on Saturday, I thought to myself, what would Roland have said that would have helped me not lose it 😅
The legend. Every time im in basspro i think of you. It's always a pleasure watching your videos since i was a little kid on tv. Much love and respect roland
This looks like a private lake filled with monster bass good luck finding a place like that if your not Roland Martin
Those are called Imagination Fish… very rare and hard to catch.
Love it Rowland your helping people learn how to employ basic bass fishing. I met you on person in the mid 90's and you are the most approachable pro fisherman I've ever met.
It helps fishing somewhere with giant bass too.
I just love bass fishing,I will probably go today after work,bank and pond fishing is all I Do . usually the worm and the rattle trap
Thanks Roland
Roland ive been watching you since i was a boy with my old man, im 40 now and nothing has changed – love your stuff and approach to fishing. Youre still out here catching PBs casually off the bank 😂 just amazing! Much love from NY!
Good one
I love bank fishing 🎣
Roland, I got a bite on a Texas rig
Finally, set a hook like you and pros do … I saw my line swimming 🏊♀️ off ….
….. I was like, FINALLY! After 42 YEARS …… So, I reeled down
and set the hook 🪝🐟 hard!
Felt great!
So good to see Roland fishin again.
Request: Boost your audio output out some. His voice is very quiet compared to other videos I see on Youtube.
Roland walking the bank: catches a huge bass
Me walking the bank: catches small perch, small crappie, and small bass 🤨😐😑
Dang Mr. Martin are you at a Jonny Morris pond or an O’reiley property. Us mere serfs can’t grow em like that in our pasture ponds.