
The Fishing Industry Has Sort Of Screwed These 3 Top Bass Fishing Pros…

Randy talks about the unfair treatment of three of the top bass fishing professionals in history by the fishing industry…#fishingdaily #bassmaster #angler #fishinglife #fish #bass #fishing #catchandrelease #bassfishing #fishingtrip

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  1. A lot of companies And people out there that would do that. We have to move better than we do to put us first and not these companies. We make the companies they don't make us. We put the time on the water, we lose sleep trying to figure out things. It just boil down to the fact we do all the work and get peanuts for our hard work💯💯💯💯💯👍🏾

  2. in every wrong doing there is a motive. I'm not sure one has been established. is it just because they're associated with the competing leagues? Maybe because they liked a based tweet that criticized China? One of these reasons is forgivable and should be encouraged.

  3. Morgan and Dudley true hammers Martin hot so much as far as notoriety the name Mike McCullin out of Arkansas probably didn’t spell that right stands out hangs with the top two and spanks Martin all over the place that guy would never even have to catch a fish. Thanks dad for all the sponsorships and money brought in. either way if we were to drive by their houses or see their bank account we wouldn’t care so much and I bet they don’t either.

  4. The Bassmaster pro with the aluminium boat who went over the bouy line and won. They fooked him in the arse. They need to give him his win back. Motherfooking racket this pro bass fishing bs. I'm boycotting Bassmaster.

  5. Idk Martin is pretty well known by a lot of anglers of all age groups probably because of his social media presence and his father but Dudley was a hammer and I bet very few people under 30 even know who he is. Kind of feel like Jacob Wheeler could end up being overlooked because he’s not fishing the elite series. For a 2X Classic champion Hank Cherry seems to get overshadowed by other anglers on the elite tour, is he fishing just for the classic each year because the rest of the year he doesn’t do much in tournaments, idk maybe he’s like the tiger woods of fishing just going for the major every year.

  6. Randy you make allot of good points about allot of issues including this issue . But going back to your biggest issue ( Live Scope ) You can talk about it until you are blue in the face , but it’s not going away until the State Fisheries stop it ! Let’s say it’s banned in a few states . BASS and MLF would just move to states that allow it ! It’s not cheating until it’s stopped at the state level ! Energy should be focused on that ! Your Buddy Swindle is kissing BASS’s ass because he is getting old and is not good at live scope so he is pretty much done being a legit player at a tournament anymore . He is kissing so much Ass so he can make a few dollars from Bass after he quits fishing basically running his mouth on tv 😂😂😂

  7. I think out if those 3 Dudley is one that a ton of people have never even heard of and it blows my mind,hes a legend in my book,dude has won a fortune,Great video Randy

  8. I’m from Jersey never heard much about the FLW tour like I did bass and yeah, I’ve never heard much about a forest cup at all. Seems weird with a $600,000 payout funny how that and FLW disappeared maybe they were saving money for the new league about to spring up so they didn’t promote anything

  9. So your 3 examples, grown men. Chose, to fish in a league that didn't promote the participants to the level of the "other" organization. 20ish years later, you're complaining that there's some injustice. Sounds like a prescription for a couple Midol, warm milk, and a good nights sleep may help? Perhaps a short chat about how pro bass anglers make a career move that others don't value? If Dudley is the top money earner, Montgomery's showered with accolades of achievement, etc… Maybe notoriety wasn't at the top of their list of life achievements? Or perhaps the amount they got scratched the itch well enough. Hard to imagine someone would work a job for 20 years, maybe THEIR dream job, and somehow it filled a need others didn't value. Curious you spend so much time on wash woman drama and conflict. OK, I'll rate this a solid 4 Karen's.😿😿😿😿

  10. I'm curious who is pumping milliken full of info that's b.a.s.s new golden boy they really want his following they'll do anything to get him in, no doubt that dude is getting pumped full of info, plus I'm sure if he gets in 6th snese will kick b.a.s.s a huge sponsor

  11. I totally agree with you, I love Hank Parker and when he won the Bass Masters Classic he was sponsored by at least 9 different companies in the Bassmaster Magazine the next month after the classic. On the other hand David Dudley won lots of tournaments on the FLW tour and if you didn’t follow the circuit most people would never recognize his name.

  12. Here’s the deal those anglers do not rely on Ford facing sonar to catch their fish, Scott Martin does a little bit, but mostly they are fishing old-school style. So the sponsors aren’t really excited to talk about them because they won’t talk about the electronics like they want them to I like all three of those guys good topic.

  13. I don’t disagree about Morgan and Dudley, but as for Scott Martin. I hate the fact that he never went to Bassmaster and fished against the best like KVD, Ike and Martens. Scott should have went to bass and proved himself against the best. The field may have been deeper in FLW, but the high end guys at BASS were definitely better

  14. All three of those guy’s are amazing bass fisherman. You are absolutely correct. I’m a big fan of Scott Martin. I think he is better than some of the others.

  15. FLW has always been the minors there has been a very small handful of guys who were on the top there that has gone to BASS and been decent. There is a reason why the call it the Elite's.

  16. At the last tournament I heard an announcer give Dudley props. Scott gets a good amount of notoriety, I think partially bc of his dad. I didn’t know Andy Morgan was that good honestly and that kind of makes your point.

  17. I couldn’t believe it when MLF and FLW came together Scott Martin announced that he was going to fish the bassmaster opens to try and make the elites. Why he wasn’t an automatic for the Bass Pro Tour. Why would MLF give up a guy like that? Dudley was in my book the best there was for a few years too. Makes no sense whatsoever that everyone doesn’t know how good he is.

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