In today’s video, I find a dried up creek FILLED with fish that needed to be saved! There were gar, snakehead, clown knife fish, and MASSIVE snapping turtles that were living in the mud. We rescued as many as we could and transported them to my backyard pond where they can live the rest of their lives!
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So happy we could save all those fish! Hit the like button if you think we should save more!
Guy is scared of his own shadow
I love gar they are a cool fish thank god u was there to save them
My favourite fish are gar and plackos and silver dollar
I feel bad for them fish 🐠🐟
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait in the beginning Were you breaking the law be gone ( by Going) Through the fence There was a lock on the fence sooooooooooooo But I'm still happy there are people like you Saving animals I mean see animals that is the best thing I'm saying in a while
the gars eye was black because the gar was blind cateracts had formed over his eyes
give me fiss
We can have the klad fish pls
The way he said he is probably in a incoma
Why are you saving a snakehead? Aren't they nuisance fish? Don't be so kind hearted for a fish that eats all the food so your native fish die. You are so kind to save the fish, and Snappy sure is awesome. I have never seen a turtle 🐢 😳 like Snappy.
To bad you couldn’t save all the fish but at least you save any fish at all
nah was that clown spewing blood or was that just me
PLis fish predator
PLis is fish maru
So Hinga ikan itu aligator gar
bro u should get pertmitted to save all the fishes man u are doing good work here
Why does that snapping turtle have such a weird nose
yo when u put the clown knife fish in the cooler there was blood squirting out of its tail
+ that's gross!!!😶😶😶😑😑😑😑
Why are you always bear footed?!
der keem blod auot die teel😢😢😢😢😢
Me when I see the snake turtle bring back memories when I catch em in my country
❤❤😂❤😂😅😊😊 2:58
bop watch party goin strong
Save the snakehead
Can u pls go in that sewer?
Rob is allegiant
So so fun you can fit through the gate
You boyz are amazing keep up the great work in saving fishes lives 👏
Fish rescue boys, you're so good, bless you both ❤
Why would you put that turtle back in the puddle that was a deuch move
You guys are HEROS!!!!!
The way he said "Screw this thing." And dropped the snake head and took off running with the gar😂😂😂
Hands of fish god
I love turtle they are my favorite animal 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🤩
9:20 that fish is squirting blood from the wound on it's tail. How on Earth is it still alive?
Y’a des français ici ???
At least you could save some of them😊