Go Fishing

Prima Uscita dell’Anno a BASS | BASS A MARZO | BASS FISHING

Dopo tanto tempo , finalmente abbiamo deciso di fare la prima uscita a bass in questo posto segreto , appena arrivati abbiamo visto dei bei bass int giro e soprattutto dell rane davvero grandi . dopo qualche lancio con lo spinnerbait abbiamo cambiato esca e subito una bellissima cattura .

Buona Visione !!!

After a long time, we finally decided to take the first bass outing in this secret place, as soon as we arrived we saw some beautiful bass around and above all really big frogs. after a few casts with the spinnerbait we changed the bait and immediately got a beautiful catch.

Good vision !!!

#bass #bassfishing #fishing #fish


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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