
My Most Closely Guarded Swimbait Modification…(Never Before Seen)

Randy shows everybody his favorite swimbait modification…#bassmaster #fishing #bassfishing #bass #fishingdaily #catchandrelease #fish #angler #fishinglife #fishingtrip

Lake map breakdowns…

Blaukat old school jig link…

The Fishing Teacher YouTube channel…

Baitwrx link….

Solar bat link…


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  1. hey Randy. cool tip, thanks. seems like a lot of modification on a keitech swing impact that kinda makes it more like a keitech easy shiner, in profile. do you still prefer this over an easy shiner? I've had some good fish on the little 3 inch easy shiner on a 1/8 jighead and prefer it to the swing impact so wondering if it's worth picking some up just to cut them down. anyhow, thanks again for the video.

  2. That was a sloppy job at best and it would seem like to me that being the consumate pro that you are and as many of those as you have obviously done in your life that it would look like it just came from the factory . just saying . Before I would waste my time doing that I would just buy some Keitech easy shiners . Beside that it is a great idea .

  3. Please be honest with your loyal followers. There is ZERO reason to cut up a fat impact style swimbait. There are flat sided SB on the market, Easy Shiner being MY goto when I fish the small SB. Just like the flat sided cranks, would you recommend sanding down those expensive balsa wood cranks to a flat side? Just asking… Love many of your tips, just keep them REAL!!

  4. Is using the Keitech swing impact (non-fat) version similar to trimming the sides? Or does the flat side make a dofference? Would be great to see some underwater/ tank footage with your ideas, just a thought for your vids/info you give, pretty sure your views would triple, thanks!

  5. This guy must waste a lot of money on lures… I think the original look looks better… the modified version just looks like a lure you found on the ground after you snagged your last one while out on the lake

  6. Your video titles are really misleading. I will give a housekeeping tip, stop the click bait tags.
    So it seems you want flat sides with a big tail kick…anything wrong with a Zoom swimming fluke?

  7. Randy, with all due respect. Why take so much time to modify one bait when you can just thread on “ez” style shiner swimbait instead of a ribbed one? We all know there’s no round shad in nature. We get that. But these swimbaits were designed to give you more lift for a slower presentation in shallower water. I just feel like if you’re doing all of this and spending so much time modifying one soft plastic… when there’s already great baits out there that do exactly what you’re trying to accomplish…then you’re already spun out.

  8. Rigging the swimbait on the hook and holding it at the tail with your index finger and thumb, helps keep it straight. I like to use a hot retractable box cutter with a lot of the blade sticking out. The reduction of material on the sides also reduces the surface tension in the plastic, allowing it to have more swimming action.

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