Fishing the hobie bass open on kentucky lake, late may! I have some serious history here!
Squarebill set up
Bait –
Rod –
Reel –
Line –
wacky rig
bait –
rod – fenwick prototype
About paying attention; My dad always said "If the fishing is slow, pour a coffee!๐ He was right! Always at the point where you can't stop pouring it!
No opinions to offer, you do you girl, I can almost promise you'll figure it out
I love your content so much. This gives me so much hope for KY Lake. Iโm going tomorrow night and fishing thur fri. Great job!๐ช๐ผ
The 101st Airborne (Fort Campbell) was my last duty station and I stayed in Tennessee for 4 years after getting out and lived at a place called Mason's Boat Dock on Kentucky Lake. Caught my first double digit largemouth and my first smallmouth was over 6 pounds. The best hunting and fishing I've seen in my life. Hope to get back there after I retire. Best of luck in your future tournaments.
Day 1, I had a moment where I literally put my head between my knees and cried for about 5 mins. I was fishing main lake bluffy and rocky walls northern part of ky lake Land between Lakes side. I had a limit of smallmouth…. but all like 12-14 inches. There was a magic point and I threw a finesse jig up there. I wasn't paying attention and my line took off. I reeled down and laid into it fairly hard, I knew I had a good hook in it it was a "bad little dude" jig—-small jig with a pretty good size hook for a little finesse jig.
This fish, was tearing drag off my baitcaster 16lb line, I started to get it close to boat, it changed direction and went straight under boat. I tried to shove rod down in the water and pull the drive, but I was too late and that fish came up because line was caught in drive. It came up like 2 feet to the left of me and broke the surface and jumped and I swear to you, it was the biggest smallmouth I have ever seen in my entire life; it was so big, I didn't know they could get like that anywhere but st. lawrence river. It was every bit of 22 23 inches and probably 6 lbs. It broke the line in its jump…..not at the knot, not at the drive, somewhere in between the two it snapped 16lb line. It was devastating and I just cried for a lil bit cuz I knew without ever even looking at the scoretracker that was a money fish. I knew it was big fish of the tourney, and probably would have put me in top 20 without culling anything else. The whole week I never saw anything close to that size, even my roommate caught a huge 20 inch smallie on wednesday and this one dwarfed it. I never seen anything like it except on TV. But KY Lake was fun otherwise, i really enjoyed it, and it looks like you did too mostly. Love your vids, look forward to them every tourney. I can't wait to see what the new river is all about. Take it Easy Kristine
Wheres our day two,'d ya do…all the deets…..we wanna know….let's go!
Nice catches
Have fun good luck
Love the into!
You did great considering you lost a few, you kept that positive attitude and finished clean! Awesome! Congratulations hopefully you move up on day two! Good luck.
Was this on Friday or Saturday? We put in at the marina and saw 2 kayakers at the break wall fishing.
you're a slayer no worries you have this sweetheart
It sounds weird, but near the end of the video I thought to myself that you didn't look comfortable in your body. So when you said you felt "messed up" it made sense. So, you know what you need to do to take care of yourself. You just need to let yourself do it. Be well!
Great video
Do idiots in Bass Boats fly by you while you are on the water? How do you keep from getting the kayak swamped? Good catches after an initial set of lost fish!
Hey goo day you just pulling and no hook set that wy you loosing them.
Hello Kristine, Can you please direct me to your braid to leader knot?
10th Great job Thumbs up Thanks
my friend dyver placed in the money without a fish finder out there. the bad thing it was on one of the first warm weekends weve had in awhile here and it wasnt even that warm but he said it was just super packed. many people fishing where he wanted with livescopes… usually i dont see many people around where i live but ya the warm weather brought a lot of people out. gl out there.
Buena suerte la prรณxima vez ๐๐