In this video I am going to show you guys how to catch and use live shad to catch bass. This is a great way to teach a kid or anyone who is inexperienced how to fish. This is a simple, but very effective way to catch any kind of fish. Follow along with me on a very fun day on the water.
28 125 Less than a minute
I’d say 90% of my fishing my whole life is live bait. I was never big with artificial. From Worms,small bait fish, no matter live or artificial, as long as I’m fishing , it’s all good. Great video bro.
Freelining is really the OG way of fishing. Great job man!
You are so right. Its such a waste of what few days most of us have to just FISH, trying to fish for enjoyment limited to contest rules. Stupid and expensive. I like the way you think.
awesome video man!
Men are killing God 😭 fish 😢
Fishing with minnows for bass/crappie/catfish. Thats how i was raised on. I try artificial lures, but they aren't as successful to me at least.
Can you put a link for the hook you using
Love the video! Thanks for sharing these tips. Can you tell us what your set up is you’re using in the video? Rod/reel/line test?
Hey man, ive lived in Ohio since 2014, nwo by toledo, and havent caught a single bass. Im a bobber/worm guy. Any tips on areas to try, bait to use, etc. Im from NY and not catching bass is painful to me lol
What the shit is G juice? 😮
After one second of watching I already subbed
Can you keep your live bait in the live wells? Don’t really fish live bait a lot
“Wish y’all were here catching with me” very wholesome and respectful guy, to his viewers and the fish. Keep it up great channel
Really like your channel. I too like to catch fish and have fun. Live bait is just a great way to catch them. Taught my kids using live bait and crappie grubs. You are a very versatile fisherman. Enjoy not only your bass fishing but you share great crappie techniques.
Subscribed! I love bass fishing with both artificial and especially live bait! One of the most effective ways to catch them!
Great video I use live bait too, Nothing wrong with it . Been using since I read Lunkers love night crawlers back in the day.
Love your video live bait for bass is much fun
Dang bro I went fishing the other day and some guy was using these fish idk what they were called but he caught like 5 keepers all biggins the smallest one was around 3 and biggest around 10
Live herring, shad or a big minnow will always get bit! Using a good cork is always fun as well..takes you back to the good ol days!! Love the video!!
That bridge pillar you caught that big large mouth I found a huge school of crappie on it
I've always wanted to live bait fish Tims, looks fun
great Info: Great video.
I’ve used the crappie magnet baits and they’re great. Bobby Garland makes a great split tail also. I haven’t used the crappie bites but I have cuz that won’t leave home without them. I do use scent and I believe it helps. I would like your opinion on line. I’ve used Mr. Crappie for a while in 4lb high viz. I noticed you flip them in and grab the line. That don’t go over too well with Mr. Crappie. What’s your opinion.
Love live bait fishing always catching something! Finding shad is hard part for me !
Great video. Will be doing this with my kids
That’s cool! I’m gonna have to give this a shot.
That is just awesome!! You gave me a good idea for taking my girlfriend out on the yaks. She struggles to catch fish sometimes and I believe this could be fun for the both of us!! I have never used a cast net before so gotta learn that. I went to north sauty creek Thursday and only caught two bout 10-12” so didn’t do so good. Although the grass looked great
I like this channel man! I can see why you've been successful, your knowledge and positive attitude comes across in these videos. Thanks.