We Created HOMEMADE FISHING LURES out of ridiculous items found around the house!!! Duck bath toy vs. a dinner spoon, we put them to the test on the mighty Potomac River to see which homemade bait catches the BIGGEST fish!!!
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#fishing #bassfishing #adventure #outdoors #googansquad
Rod/Reel/Line/Lures used:
-Googan Gold Series Baitcasting Reel
-Googan Gold Series “Reaction” Rod 7’2″ medium/mod BC rod
-20 lb googan braid + 15 lb fluorocarbon leader
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I`m taking my "ducky" from my kids' bathtub and going to hook!
Some lake bait. Mor like saltwater bait
Amazing video once again 🎉❤ lost my old account (BassLife530) so new account is on the watch grind 💪🏻 😊
You can't make this up! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wall make you a good lure for you 1rod
Skips like a champ
For "Largemouth" those bass have really small mouths…..
According to my grandpa, At this point, it's not a matter of if they want to eat it, it's more of who can piss them off to the point they strike at it
"6:45" try jerkin it xD
What line do you use??
I just saw a snapping turtle eat a baby duck last weekend I didn’t know that snappers actually go for ducks we tryed to save it but the baby duck was done it’s organs were hanging out and it’s leg was just dangling eventually the turtle came back and finished it so it didn’t goto waste
I just still can't believe that one rod caught a fish on his rubber duck. keep posting these videos 1 rod love em
They used to sell a Musky lure that was very similar to the duck. Nice largie BTW!
It's all about the size of the plop!
Soon as I saw that walking action I knew it was gonna get a fish.
That was amazing!
16:33 imagine a 6 lb hit that 🤣 💀
oh when you showed that rubber ducky i thought it was one of your kids toy
Lol another banger
I loved this. Only one catch, but I was entertained the whole time. Great location! Love the exploring of different spots in the area. Too bad about the line tie, but glad it held up for that massive catch.
That's unbelievable never seen that before catching a largemouth bass on a bathtub rubber duck I need a drink by seeing that
I’ve made one similar to the duck but I had a buzzbait prop infront of it
dark colors for stained water. their eyes will see the silhouette of blacks, dark blues, dark browns, dark green pumpkin, etc more than they'll see a lighter color
Awesome video please do more like this❤❤❤❤
Jon B lure Mike bought for the worst lures vs The Diy Lure 😂😂😂
I love normal fishing vids but these types of videos never miss 😂
Love all the recent and old videos keep up the hard work👍🏽
“You see that Bill, Dancing” … I see what you did there
I ordered a championship bass fishing belt haha it looks crazy so if your up for trying to take the belt 1Rod accept my challenge on lock Raven
hi 1rod1reelFishing!!!
Too many holes on the spoon
Damn Mike that was absolutely ridiculous hit!!!! Congrats on the Duckie hit !!!!
1 rod 1 reel has no limits 😎
Can you do a video on what kind of line you use and what line is better/worse than other. I’ve been using 15lb braid and haven’t had much luck in the lakes around me. Thanks
Dude starts screaming causes the net guy to panic, calm down its just a fish, not like u need to eat it to survive.. bass are junk anyways, need to be walleye fishing
That duck is truly the lure of all time
That duck lure was so cute
How'd that Terrova do? I just picked one up myself, so far mine's been great.
New googan duck bait??
Yo who sent him the bait? I can’t find them in the comments lol
Love the videos 1rod. You should test out the new googan rip. Also if you ever consider coming down to upstate NY I would be happy to 1v1 you. Tight lines
Bruh you KNOW when he hooked up, the subscriber that made that screamed and scared everyone in the house 😂😂😂🎉
Nice Mike, that will make the googan short highlight reel for sure 🎉