An awesome afternoon session of Kayak Bass fishing in North West Ontario. There are so many hidden gems hiding right under your nose. Yes, you may strike out, but fishing new lakes is the way to hit a true home run. Also, shoutout to Sam for saving me from that blood sucking leech. Hope you enjoy the Largemouth Bass Smackdown. Thanks for watching!
Pronav (the ultimate trolling motor add-on) –
Edited by:…
MY BOAT: Alumacraft 185 Competitor –
MY MOTOR: Honda BF90 –
Thrive Merch:
My Socials:
Here is the gear in the video:
Vlog Cam – Canon 5D MK IV –
B-Roll Cam (Slowmo) Sony FS5 –
GoPro 7 Black –
The BEST Micro SD for GoPros –
Vlog Lens – Canon 16-35mm f4 –
B-Roll Lens – Sigma 24mm f1.4 –
Drone – Mavic Pro –
Tascam DR10-L –
Rode Shotgun Mic Pro –
Editing Program:
Adobe Premiere:
Sunglasses – Amphibia Sunglasses :
Great fishing!where is this lake?
What kinda kayak you got there bud?
Nice Frontier12 Yak
If I cross the border, please take me fishing!!
Subscribed! That trolling motor is fire!
Think you found a honey hole, fronter12 nice yak in got one myself love it stability is unreal its tank to paddle and carry tho
Just found your channel, one video and I know I’m hooked
Where'd you get that net? I need one of those.
Very cinematic to me… I don’t what you’re talking about. #yougotscuffedson
I love exploring New lakes too. I know where that lake is to maybe I'll give it a try, did jonas tell u about that lake?
Smart setup
I love all your video's! So well put together, Keep them coming!
We should try for Lakers in the kayaks this fall. I’ve only pulled it off once, but it was epic!
Great balance
Can you add your kayak to the gear list in the description?
Never thought there would be bass in that small lake 😂 but thats cool
amazing film as allways
Love this video! Quick, informative, and just overall great! Cinematics is not everything.
As much as I like your cinematic clips, I really like how you break down the equipment. By the way what is the best size for a self blogging camera lens?
People always ask me why I don't catch a lot of fish, Sure I could go to my dad's honey holes or common holding area for fish, but that's not fun. I go to a new lake, portion of the stream, creek every day. for me it's not about catching fish it's about adventure and learning the outdoors. nothing compares to a good hike into a lake, that no one has fished. it's nice knowing you're honey holes aren't google searches, rather real world experience of having to think and work greatly to get some where. It's so gratifying.
Great video Jay!
Great video bud. I scan satellite maps for new water. We are blessed to have abundant fishable water here. Sittin south of ya waitin on another video.
Cant wait for ice fishing season !!! I got to come to your region to catch Lakers, here in Quebec we cant target them during ice season…
Sad to see open water season leave but also really excited for ice fishing to begin!
Unfortunately Jay I live in Southern MB, so no I am not sitting on any little gem of a lake…
Going to move closer to the Whiteshell in the next year or two though so its all good!
Tight lines brother!
Large Marge i remember, a little skinny pike caught by Aaron long ago,called by his fishmate that day( funny guy) who has been on this fish his whole life. We have laught a lot but I bet you have seen tons of crazy funny scenes while filming your friends back in the days.
Dude!! Ice fishing season!!! No sad face, should be a big ol smile face 👊🏽
I hope someday I find a girl that will salt leeches off of my feet on the kitchen counter.
I hope you all know how blessed you are to have such magic fishing opportunities. When you are living in Germany and seeing this, it waters your eyes…
Keep up the great work Mr. Siemens! And greets to Sam…
Let's be honest the only reason we ice fish is because the lakes are frozen half the year. Awesome video Jay!
Next episode how to remove a tick lol
where is kbi video
Jay do you know the difference between pro nav and the i pilot upgrade for the powerdrive v2? I have that model and was looking to upgrade
Can’t wait for ice fishing!!! Lol.
Great video. As always. Thanks for sharing.
That feeling at the end is exactly what I’ve been thinking bout lately… “Noooooooooo!!! Not yet Winter…:”
Personal opinion but i would rather lip it then fumble around trying to get a net, nice catch either way
Love that lake. Hands down one of my favourites!!! Another awesome video jay keep up the great work!!!🔥🔥
I use fireline directly to the bass lures/jigs as well. I use the Palomar knot tho
Another quality vid! Calm waters must be key with the kayak… looks fun
Hey Jay. Can you let me know what kayak are you using and trolling motor/motor mount?
I've been going through a slump for the past month north of the 55 manitoba. Needed some inspiration thank you
Great video. I liked the laid back style. I appreciate the "tackle talk" and run down on gear.
Why is this man not at 1MIL yet??? Let's get him there already!!!
What’s up Jay!
Anticipation 🎣🎣
start the damn video before i piss myself