Its day three of the kayak bass fishing KBF National Championship down in shreveport LA. We were able to fish Caddo, the red river, Lake Bistineau and Cypress Black Bayou. I didnt have a great day 1, but a big day 2 helped me make the 3 day cut to fish on the championship day! The winner takes home over 50k!
Track:(Stylish)ultraviolet infraction-NCM-2 Release
Music provided by NoCopyrightMusic.
License code: IQ1CZLKHH8RWPGA8
Well done young lady! I'm starting to get into more tournaments this year. Would love to get my daughter into kayak fishing 😁
Yeah, Kristine! I'm an old woman in a canoe, not to be confused with OLA, and I love your channel.
Can you tell me what kayak your fishing from and electric moto?r,please and thanks for the great videos best of luck
You go girl!!
Serious skills – great work!
Can you flip a fluke?
You put on a hell of fight though
Hey how can I compete in kbf tournaments like your doing please let me know thanks…
That kayak looks as sturdy as a bass boat 😂
Nicely done
Amazing days fishing! 👏
You have inspired me to compete in a kayak fishing tournament in September. I live in South Carolina and just recently started kayak fishing. Now to get catching some bass.
Congratulations definitely a threat to be reckoned with
What kind of topwater bait were you throwing there that was chartreuse? Double-jointed as well…
Great day of fishing.
love it
Dose anybody know what brand wake bait she was using?
Go get um Lady's can fish very good too !! Lot's of them better than guy's!!Go get um Lady power!!
What kind of kayak is that
A gorgeous babe that likes fishing that’s as rare as hens teeth the absolute perfection of a female
Where is this lake
Best sit your butt in that seat and stop standing on the front of that Hobie in Louisiana waters. You fall in the swamp, and your not at the top of the food chain anymore!