Fishing mighty Lake Eildon for giant Murray cod, learning how to use the new live technology to find and catch big fish. Throwing surface lures at big fish and getting refused time and time again! But I hook a couple of big bites on the Spinwright Swimjig and Spinnerbait.
Lures used in the video available at:
Discount code: COLBY20
Good Vid Colby, I think it’s crazy how many meterys u catch.
Your Wicked mate 🤙
Great fishing mate. Wouldn’t mind seeing this directional sonar in action as you come onto a fish with a bit of an explanation 👌🏻
Nice cod Colby.what rod and reel you use?
Sick hoodie, great fishing!
love it Colby, cheers for the video
where did you get the surface lure from
Great video and great fishing.
What made you go with active target over livescope?.
I'm looking at getting a unit for live fishing and I have been finding that garmin are more advanced with this type of fishing
more videos on the active target I'm still learning mine and your videos will help me and other
Absolutely beautiful fish, Colby 👍🏼
Thanks for this, not a fan of the technology, just not sure of the long term implications. Good to see some of the American states banning them.
Cool video mate. I want to see you blind cast day 1 then the next day scope and fish. Because there's so many cod tucked away that you can't find on sonar would be good to see if you can get them out with out just picking off active ones on the sonar like the old school way.
Another great video mate 👍🏼
As a few other have asked, can we see some more footage of the scope view when your searching for em.
Awesome work mate great video
If scoping means you fish less surface, get rid of the scope Colbs. Surface rules.
Where’s the cooking
Metery magnet! Would be cool to see split screen with active target
Don’t matter what you do pal as long as yr catching cod lov watching yr vids🤙💪✅
I think that would be awesome to compare the 2
Couple fat ones 🤙🏼
Good vid Colby. Next time can you spend a few minutes showing the active target screen as you are searching please?
do videos with using the live technology and some without it would be good Colby 👍
gotta love a new Colby vid