“Jacob Wheeler and HCB Yachts bring you the iKon LX21” –
First Look at My New Boat! Let me know what you guys think!
Thanks for watching!
Ding Merch – https://bit.ly/3pzzIXw
Wheeler Fishing Merch – https://bit.ly/3PFaBNN
Wheeler Fishing Foundation – https://bit.ly/WheelerFishingFound
Jacob Wheeler Signature Rods (Available at Academy)
Spinning Rods https://rstyle.me/cz-n/e4rr7gdct5p
Casting Rods https://bit.ly/3qjH3bL
Social Media Linktree: linktr.ee/wheelerfishing
► Instagram: @Wheelerfishing http://bit.ly/2NscZJ2
► My Website – http://bit.ly/WheelerFishing
► My Tackle & Gear ◄
Rapala – https://bit.ly/JWRapala
Duckett Fishing – http://bit.ly/2XrU0D1
Academy & Magellan – https://bit.ly/AcademyWheeler
Sunglasses – http://bit.ly/2TiwSHP
Buzzbait & Spinnerbait – http://bit.ly/2GOTda8
Realtree – http://bit.ly/2BUcuTv
13 Fishing – https://bit.ly/13fishWF
Mark Daniels Jr ► http://bit.ly/2E9ejw8 ► Instagram http://bit.ly/2Nt3lWC
Dustin Connell ► https://bit.ly/dcfishingYT / IG: http://bit.ly/2H9dAhA
Adrian Avena ► https://bit.ly/AdriaAvena
Justin Martin ► https://bit.ly/jmartduckyt
Video by Brody McWilliams – https://bit.ly/3QQVcuU. ► YT: http://bit.ly/2XtbAGG
Major League Fishing ► http://bit.ly/2tNGPyZ
It’s a nice boat but wow. That price is as much as a brand new high end Mercedes
Its the secret weapon to be used to win 100,000 dollars big fish MLF👍and 25,000 and 50,000 for the biggest fish in a tournament that is huge 👍
What about prise
You re proud of a waaay over-priced bass boat ??
$140 000 ???
What a joke
Don't they cost 150,000.00 when all said and done. I heard the live well system is 4200.00
Team service marine just did a boat price review and it was 142k lol
Give us the price of the boat just the way u have it set up because the base price of just the boat motor and trailer starts at 106 thousand no extras
Jacob you are my new favorite fisherman
i like everything about it especially the huge front deck. i wonder what happens to all the old boats?
I'm gonna show you the boat, but I'm not gonna show you the boat. Smh, we don't care what you have tied on or what is in your tackle trays.
Geez 100k or more
Hers my boat but I’m not actually going to show you the boat
SHOW THE CENTER BOX … Why is this so secret? No walkthrough has shown the tackle storage.
Jacob, I’m really interested in the iKon. Do you have any tournament footage on rough water?
that boat is a ''DING''!!
Team marine service shows alot more about this boat!! Andy out on the Lake driving it..
These engineer's here are taking this boat seriously. The crews are constantly working to get better. Go HCB and Ikon 🤙🏻
Can’t wait to see the rest. So far though, lots of gray innovations. Really like the focus on keeping fish alive. That’s what it’s all about in the long run. I bet that shape will push water away from the boat in front of the helm and keep you dry.
Beautiful boat! Kudos on the livewell features! Keep the V-T2 in mind though. Would help with those livewell gases!
Beautiful boat…I love the design. The front deck is huge with the "curve" in there. Lots of storage space too. Good luck with the boat, and with your 2023 season
Team marine went over the whole boat and a lake test…
Who makes your boat?
Where is this Boat Manufactured?
What amazing boat!
That pinched in gunnel look ruins it for me.
Great rig!
A Caroline flare on a bass boat. Nice!
Good looking boat!
JW the boat looks great. I see how all that can benefit the pro anglers. But with all the advancements in technology and putting those screens on all the newest boats. The industry has priced itself out of allowing the average weekenders ability to buy boats. It would be great if we could all afford those upgrades but most of us are getting priced out. If this boat-making industry is something you are serious about. You should look at making a quality boat for the average fisherman.
Best of luck this season.
Only doctors and lawyers who fish can afford these kinda boats..
Not for the average person only sponsored fishermen and lotto winners at $120K
Jwheels your missing something in that new boat ….you need some Steak jerky from Outdoor Store or Cabelas very good stuff. 😂 I’ve had some & I love it. Ask your boy sizzle 😂
It kind of reminds me similar of a Skeeter?
I wish they would get rid of bringing fish back to shore for weight in all together. Having an official on the boat is something that most tournaments do already so just let the length and weight get recorded then put the fish back asap! That is the biggest problem I have with the whole system. I believe that they should limit the amount of tournaments on a body of water each year also. Keep it to 1 a month or less that gives the fishery time to recover and normalize.
Jacob I was the guy in the boat next to you (just watching) on Champlain for your historic last 3 hours when you had that amazing run to the MLF win…. When you got pretty close to me (I was on spot lock) you finally took your eyes off your Active Target and asked me why I wasn't fishing…..(I was just being courteous as our boats were pretty close ….and enjoying the amazing show.) That was a class act. You and KVD are the only ones that have said something like that… Became a bigger fan immediately. Now.. Can you tell me what Electronics Bow mount that is?
Are they going to be sold at wedias marine ?
Reading the comments, it's so self explanatory why boat prices have gotten so high. Everyone is just shaking with excitement to pay $100k+ for another slow cookie cutter boat that does absolutely nothing better or different than any of Johnny Morris's "flagship" boats. Stupidity is now the virus we should all be concerned about