In this video, I show you how to rig and fish a Senko for bass! We also talk rod, reel, line, hook, tips, techniques, all about bass fishing! This rig is great for bass fishing beginners too! I hope you enjoy the video!
Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as
something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human
being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself
in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.
You're the best
Awesome video keep up the awesome content God bless you.
Please do a video on the devils horse!😊 God bless brother
Awesome video!!! And thanks for the tips, love hearing from older brothers and sisters around the world! God bless! 👍
thank you Richard for your great videos WOOoo
Roland Martin's cousin
I love when us southerners say Gary Yamamoto 😂
My husband would love to come up for a vacation and go fishing with you. Is this possible
Roll Damn🐘
Would this teqnique work well in an 8 ft deep pond?
Old devil's horse I fish them too good little top water lure catches big bass. I had a friend who asked me the other day like how do you think Richard Jean gets away with fish in that red cage in line in these highly pressured Waters I said well he's Richard Jean that's why now me I could probably take red cage and fishing line and put it on any one of my baitcasters I wouldn't get a bite but they like Richard LOL. You're the man Richard love watching your stuff good to find people that have the same passion that you do.
Richard, I retired a couple months ago & wanted to get back into fishing. My 12 year old grandson LOVES to fish! So glad I happened across your channel. I’ve learned SO much. Just bought a little 10’ Pelican Bass Raider & can’t wait to get out there. Thanks a ton for what you do! Love your style and presentation. Look forward to all your videos.
What is the best ree and rod to use when fishing in pound fishing?
I can't remember which Richard Gene video I was watching because I watch so many of them, but he mentioned how pink was a good color to use in fall. I used a pink senko and caught 5 bass in probably 15 minutes. My bait got torn up so I went to a different style worm and different color; after 10 casts I didn't have one bite. I switched back to what I was using before and the bass were back. It's really nice to know that I'm learning a lot about fishing from watching Richard, and seeing real results.
Man I wish I lived near guntersville
Enjoy the fishing tips.
God is REAL!!!!! THE POWER OF PRAYER IS REAL!!!! God bless you sir. Keep fishing….
Already liked you because you are in Tennessee an catching killer fish then I heard God is real an have to subscribe. Amen brother 🙏
Looks like your motor is fixed.
7:53 WOOOOO! Ha ha 😆
What kind of boat did you fish out of back when you fished tournaments? Thanks Richard your the man and have taught me a lot!!!