Sean Wieda and his crew head down to lake Chickamauga and catch up with Jacob Wheeler for the first trip in the iKON LX 21. The weather was cold but we bundled up for the real world experience fishing and driving the new ikon. During this video we focus on fishing features in the iKON, and look forward to gathering more on the water footage.
13 114 Less than a minute
Nothing like having a man push/sale your boats wearing a Skeeter jacket ! lol just say'n
Awesome times
I love how Sean had to lay down to boat the three pounder! showing off the size of Jacobs, big ole deck?!
The boat sucks but that bass would make some good cat fish bait
Price point, the US economy and interest rates.
Affordable come one what has made these boats go from $27,000 in 2000 to $55,000 to $110,000
Ok, EPA caused motors to go up but when the motors cost more the a semi truck motor I call BS and the Ashland chemicals to make these boats is not that much more, trailers are trailers not much changing there steel prices aren't outrageous shipping rates are lowest in 33 yrs and doesn't correlate with fuel prices I'm in trucking and the lie is fuel is up shipping is up lies.
Trolling motors and graphs costing more the an 4×4 power steering ATV.
Doesn't add up, bottom line huge mark up and people are willing to pay then by all means charge away. But the collapse is coming Johnny Morris sees it and marking boats down and I bet they go down even more. Banks collapsing and trucking tanking it's coming people.
I love how he's talking up this new iKon boat and doing a video on it as one of the few iKon dealers while wearing a Skeeter jacket…
Go watch Team Marine channel how it handles he takes his hands of the wheel running over waves
3 lb
Nothing special.
What is the HP rating on that boat ? And how does it run with a 250 seems like a big boat ?
I would love to have a dollar for every time Shawn says “ok” in his videos.
I noticed that Jacob switched back to his Nitro for the closing period of Redcrest. What happened?! He even mentio Ed how cool it was MLF rules say you could change to a stand-by boat if something went wrong.🤷♂️