In today’s video, I make DIY fish traps out of giant bottles! I placed the traps in a new tiny creek and was surprised at all the fish I caught, platys, swordtails, plecos, crawfish, and an unknown fish that looks like a freshwater stingray, then I brought them all back to my house to keep as pets!
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Well time to find out what this thing is! Comment if you know🤔 Hope you all enjoyed this one!
it is a hillsteam leach
it is a reroma
I love your videos
It a reticulated hill stream loach
I used to work for a mom and pop per store. It was my first job. We had a salt water eel escape out of his tank into the water systems. That thing terrorized every single fish tank and multiple fish for years and we could never catch him.
it is a stingray
I think that's a stingray.
You should name the stingray stinger Flynn😂😂😂😂
Start making salt water videos
I love your videos because you make some great videos I like the fishes because I like fishing and go to videos like 100 times I want you the mega axolotl costume you found a boy axolotl no make it I will never scribe to your videos my name is Orion yeah please make a Videos is a red ox water by fisherman again messages how to turn it off
Use super glue gel instead of hooks and cut a flap in the bottom
Why are they called sore tails?
I mean pencil fhish
It’s a pencil ✏ 🐠 🤓🤓🤓
i have a sword tail
Upland river loach 😉
its not a "stingray" it has no stinger why do you think they are called"sting"rays
Dag revearsfloweg😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅
It's a sucker fish
this is a steamer hill loach as pancake fish
I like his personality so much he’s so funny he always get me when he say what the heck is that
I love your video's
But would there be alligators in the shallow creek ?
4:03 yo that red black stripped camaro behind him I just love camaros
It looks like a Loach, your little stingray, and maybe a Siamese algae feeder for the one with the stripe down the side.
that was a hillstream loach i have many
Oh my God you found my snake that I put there I put it there for a prank on my friend but they never showed up😂
sir that a green lime i think not yellow