It seems even venomous snakes have to keep an eye out for big, predatory fish! If you throw something dead into the water, eventually you might just hook a river monster!
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My new fav fishing channel.
The line was wrapped around it several times that is why it was doing tight circles also when pulling it around the snag it got impaled by the snag
Could be a monster STICK FISH
Survival in wild water
I like to poke my fingers with the fangs for luck
All that fight for it to be a 20 pounder…😕
One time I went fishing with my dad and his friends and my dad caught a water moccasin. It was surreal and terrifying
This is sad
I accidentally hooked a small perch when I was reeling my line in. And my luck was wildlife officer walked up just as I landed it. He first told me catching fish that way wasn't lawful. Then he died laughing when I looked at him and plead not guilty at least not intentionally. Then he said it was also illegal to use it for bait. That was in Arkansas.
Cottonmouth snakes stink even before they're ddead. 😉
MY only fear is that you'll continue making these videos.
You are probably the only one here that would use a snake as bait
pretty sure thats a turtle bite
I laugh at "fish saftey"….lol Men have been catching fish with barbed hooks for eons! You don't eat the lips fool! Hahahaha
Think it was a turtle snapping at him. Which might have had some line wrapped on him
Go dry up !
I'm thinking a gator maybe but a gator would have got him
The noise he was making you never did say what it was ???
Snapping turtle maybe?
If i was gonna use it for bait i would take pliers and rip their teeth out
I’m going out on a limb here but it’s Probably illegal to use it as bait
What size reel are you using to be able to let out that much line?
That fish is dead
Dude him explaining his landing spot i saw a snake or turtle
I’d be worried about venom splashing in my eye while casting. Or accidentally nicking myself with fangs, I do it with hooks all the time.
2:26 rattle snake
Awesome video. Thank you for respecting our fish. Not many use barbless hooks despite being so much easier on the fish.
Crazy that catfish ate that giant snake. That’s why is was so damn big. Huge belly. Hope he survived his bite. My guess was a smaller gator also.
Never seen the feeding them so much line technique.
Big fish oinking like a hog
Tired of these "Conservationist" claiming to be a ethical outdoorsman.
All your doing is encouraging others to disrespect wildlife simply because snakes are "non valuable" they ain't your damn fishing bait.
use bait fish
It's extremely sad seeing fisherman and hunters that ain't true through and through
Great fisherman
the lightning bandanna is straight sex appeal
Bro can we fish I got boat And best spot ever for giant fish in my front yard I fish every day
Hwy I just caught a four foot cotton mouth it bite my bait can I use it for gar the bait the snake spat out the hook when I was going to chop the head off
This just isn’t very smart. Just use normal bait.
Awesome video. What state was this in?
At least the snake is dead first
Beauty……🇺🇸💯💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸……. NEVER GIVE IN, NEVER SURRENDER 🇺🇸
Bro wacky rigged a cotton mouth 🤣💀💀💀
you re the best guy in the world.
nah i thought bro used a live cotton mouth as bait
So the snake just disappeared?