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Dad VS. Daughter Bass Fishing Challenge (Long Point Bay Bass Opener 2021)

Long Point Bay bass fishing FINALLY opened this weekend, and after a SIX MONTH hiatus from targeting my favourite species, I finally got out with Dad for a little father/daughter challenge. Due to the wind and rain in the forecast, Dad decided to leave his big cameras at home and pick up a rod for the first time in a long while and he was pretty confident that he was going to beat me with ease. Hope you enjoy the video. #takeakidfishing #bassfishing #fishingchallenge


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. That was the most enjoyable fishing video I've seen in a while! The relationship, values, friendship, and the banter was awesome to see! Should do more of these!

  2. you know you can legally bass fish from janurary 1st to may 10th, at least in the lake ontario area, I dont know all the other places in Ontario but you dont necessarily have to travel to the states or quebec to bass fish early

  3. awesome video! haha ur dad's really good at his bass fishing! so funny how he was roasting u for being disorganized yet as soon as you guys go, his hat flies off haha plus orders u to drive back for it haha so funny how u yelled at him to get a net XD

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