These are my best 5 Lures that I always have tied on for July bass fishing. What makes this unique is that these setups can be used for smallmouth or largemouth and will catch fish in all conditions!
🛠️ GEAR 🛠️
Rod – Temple Fork Outfitters
Reel – Abu Garcia
Bait – Berkley Fishing
My FAVORITE Videos –
GARMIN Panoptix Videos –
Snapchat: @BRNowakFishing
Bass fishing is there anything better and I am addicted too it I am now 14 two years ago I started my channel and I am damn proud of it and I am finally getting close too my 1 k sub goal !!
Thanks, lots of good info packed in these monthly bait vids! Appreciated!
This is applicable to other places. My List from AZ.
JIG (pitching with a craw trailer)
Dropshot (roboworm fx sculpin, my favorite)
Jerkbait (MB 110 or LC Pointer 78SP)
Topwater (Spook, Frog, or Buzzbait – depends on time of day, shade, or boils) who doesn't love topwater!!!
my 5th would be a deep crank over a spybait, although the main reason is that I don't have many spybaits but I have like 75 deepcranks. And it's mostly Largies!
Great Video!
Great info Ben thx!
With the spy baits, are you just utilizing the spin casting setup? Also, would you recommend red color braid over the hi-vis yellow braid?
Man I love to fish a walking bait over deep water. Call'em up from 20 to 30 down here. Good stuff man.
Hey Ben…do you know when the Berkley Little General is going to be released to the public? Thanks for the video. 🎣✌
Love the selection great tips
Had to top Alex with 5 instead of 4 lol
That was a great list. Surprised me with some of your choices, specifically the spybait, but it got me to tie one on and I'll be throwing it this weekend.
For me in Indiana the wobble head with a swimbait is a huge player. And… we already know how I feel about that spybait 🐋 Great video Ben
Im ready for the seminar. Never fished a drop shot for bass.
Woowww mantaps..
Great video,Ben will be there Sunday night
Great choices Benjamin
I was honestly surprised the list didn’t go
1: jig
2: jig
3: jig
4: jig
5: Big seeds.
Thank you 😊 lot of great info and insight on these baits.
Great stuff you always have great content!