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Beginner Bass Fishing – Spinnerbait / Chatterbait / Swimbait / Buzzbait

In this video, Gramps reveals some of the easiest baits to get you started in catching largemouth bass. These baits are all simple to use… just cast and retrieve.

* * * * * About Fishin With Gramps * * * * *
Gramps is an Army veteran on YouTube focused on teaching young and old about freshwater pan and bass fishing and using our wonderful natural resources here in the United States.

Follow me on Instagram:

#Outdoors #BassFishing #Sports


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We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Question about the Chatterbait – what conditions dictate a good location to fish a chatterbait? I always end up not throwing it because either 1) too much grass (we have lots of grass in our lakes here) and I worry about it getting hung, or 2) zero grass or other cover, so I don't want to just chuck it in open water. Am I overthinking it, and should I just send it out more often?

  2. Hey thanks for this video. It has been 20 years since I have fished. And then it was mainly catfish on the river. Never did any bass fishing. My son and I are just getting back into fishing since we got kayaks last summer (set inside kayaks) and we want to do some bass fishing, get out on the lakes and enjoy ourselves. We want to add fishing to our YouTube channel, most of our channel is hunting related. Thanks again!! Juddie – J & J TOA

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