Check out deep dive here –
Got away from working on the boat a bit and spent a couple days fishing two lakes chasing some early spring bass. First topwater fish of the year and a few other good ones to wrap up a couple of good days of fishing! I hope you guys are gettin after it and chasing some new PBs.
Follow Me On Instagram! –
My Electronics
Garmin Echomap Ultra 126sv (livescope)
Garmin Echomap UHD 94sv
Garmin –
Livescope –
The Jon boat I’m currently running is a Weldbilt 1548 custom built by Matt Downs of Tricked Tins. For more info on the boat, or if you have interest in a build yourself – the links below are where you can contact Matt.
Tricked Tins FB –
Tricked Tins Instagram –
Reveal Video –
Special Thanks To –
Shop Karl’s –
Mystery Tackle Box –
Spro –
Sunline –
Gill Fishing –
bass bass bass bass bass
What kind of line do you use on your bait casters?
A grass hero with a cut down bandito bug slays in New York spring through post spawn all season long
I can’t wait to get a boat 🚤 I know it’s some nice ones out there cause I have caught them from the bank. But I enjoy watching your videos and keep them coming Thanks 🙏🏾
It don’t work if your in Canada wow I was looking forward to using this app that sucks :/
Great great video
It’s 8:30am rn lol I’m watching ur videos loading up my bike to hit the creek
Hell yea good to see someone in va just got you a subscriber
How do you like those new Kistler reels? Could you do a video review on them? I want to see how those compare to bigger brands like Shimano or Daiwa. Thanks!
Looks like an awesome app! I signed up tonight for it!
or is the Chickahominy river? i fish the lake all the time since I was prob 5years old I use ed allen an eagles landing
is this the chickahominy lake?
Great video dude 🤙🔥
I can’t get over how sick your boat is. Homie did a fabulous job!
Does that app do cali
Please STOP throwing the fish hard back into the water.
Awesome video dude. Thats some solid water Temps. I like the app too. It just populated with my home lake here on the base
Deep dive is awesome
Nice video bro 👍 muy bueno
Does this app for me, being that I'm in Mexico?
I'm sure you said it and I missed it but what was your swim jig color and set up? Was that the 3.3 or 3.8 saucy swimmer?
Is that a custom graph mount up front? I like how high it sits. Also just checked out the app. Seems legit so far.
Quick question, what’s the rod and reels you were running in this vid??? Also great video like always!
Mantap 👍
Downloaded, will let you know the outcome this weekend!! Great vid!!
bro i need that flooring style in yellow in the G3. So bad ass. When they come out with an app like that for muskie let me know. I could use the help bahahahahahaha
The swim jig in my opinion is one of the best moving baits to throw in the spring especially when the females are up there trying to spawn. The bigger females just can't stand that swim jig. It has become a staple in my arsenal this time of the year
Jigs all day