What do you think about this kit? Have you seen it in your area? Is it worth the money?
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lmelton.21/?hl=en
Business Email: lmelton157@gmail.com
My Kayak Old Town Salty PDL 120: http://bit.ly/sportsman_larrymeltonjr
MONSTERBASS SITE: https://bit.ly/3z7EUFg
How are you able to find l these fishing spots when we live in the same area?? 😅 I can’t find hardly any now
Love your vids man
You should try to catch a bass on 2 pound line
What sunglasses are those?
Bruh I'm hella guilty!!!
Music selection 🔥
Bruh please wear a life vest
dope video ❤️
Hey Larry. How about a battle of the Monster Bass Multi-species for your area vs MB bass box for your region shootout?
U good man…never seen u bird nest before..good video
Aye man you should do a video on Carolina rig fishing 🆙🎣
Need to do a pod cast with lojo or some fishing been to long
I bought 1 of those right after Christmas marked down to $20. Well worth it! Should have bought a couple more.
The pogy are my favorite pre rigged lure.
Another 🔥 video bro!!! I’ve never used one of those swim baits either but I might have to try one
Was dropping out of college one of the best decisions you made? Would you say college is important? It’s been about 3 years now since I’ve been out of high school (class of 2020) and I’m still stuck on the thought of going to college to college or pursue something else. As I sit back and watch the people I went to high school with and graduated with are now about to graduate college in a year and I’m still here stuck on the thought of finding something to do in life that’ll bring me success.
Caught my pb on that warhog but wasn't able to weigh it
Hey Larry, what kayak do you have? I've been looking to buy one soon.
I think he likes Berkeley products
Hey man I’ve been a fan of the channel for a long time your videos are so cool and you make fishing better
I was lucky enough to get a picture with Larry at the classics convention center, and that just made my day, I’d rather have a picture with him than most the pros 😂 thanks Larry 🙏
Mannn you caught em
Saw you at the classic today love your stuff man
God I love this account
Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
Aglia spinner challenge ?👀
Looking into the Jordan lee combo is it worth the money?
You should use saltwater baits and fish freshwater. For the next video 💨💪
I guess we don’t have them in Houston Walmart’s 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
What combo are you using?