Randy shares with everybody, his favorite Homemade Lure color for spring fishing…#bassmaster #bassfishing #bass #fishing #fishingdaily #fishinglife #fishingtrip #fish #catchandrelease
Baitwrx link…https://bait-wrx.com/
Blaukat old school jig…https://bait-wrx.com/products/randy-blaukats-old-school-jig
Lake map breakdowns…https://fishthemoment.com/lake-breakdowns-randy
Thanks for the great tip.
This is what I'm talking about! Thanks for the info
Had the same experience on Toledo in the late seventies-March-fished half a day Thursday and all day Friday with practically no fish-about ready to go home so as not to waste the entire weekend-met a friend of mine who had a guide and he told me that a black worm with a chartreuse tail-ring worm i think-was the ticket-I nought a couple packs from Toledo town -and promised my disappointed son we would give it another try until noon-we hammered them in the exact same place and time and depth-sure made a believer out of me😊
Zoom makes a dead ringer like that I think
Did you get a new camera? Video quality much improved…
I know black and chartreuse does great on Pomme with the stained water. Are you fishing this on Table Rock in the clearer water up by the dam? Or in the River arms where there is a bit of color? Or not really throwing this color at Table Rock?
I use chartreuse on everything I can, I don't know what it is, but if I'm not catching anything put something with chartreuse on it and I always get bites
In your opinion.
I prefer pumpkin seed with a black crayfish trailer……
Just my opinion though.
Been using Culprit black and chartreuse for years. Definitely one of my most productive baits.
I place my baits on a old cookie sheet and use a q tip to paint them.wait till they are dry then flip over and paint the other side.this is way better cause if you accidentally drop bait in dye it will ruin it
Thanks for the info, I've been using just a big grub with black & chartreuse tail.
Works perfect on rainy days or like you said 3ft. of visibility. 😁👍
Sorry…Will it work inautomn as well?
Randy, will it work in the springtime as well?
Been using a black Ring worm Chart rues tail since the 80's on a jig worm set up. It works for sure. Have to get some black dye. Good tip man.
You're talking Table Rock right? Midwest? That color will not fly here. You can come test that theory any day against myself. JS. Don't get butthurted. You know people should either back up what they say or be silent, but these ass clowns tell me to put up or shut up. Lol. Funny. Haven't I not called everyone out? They say I am gaslighting them. Well, if I tell you the truth, and you cannot understand, then yes, I am essentially gaslighting you. Matt Stefan asked what is the best jig. I said "lightest." Do I have to explain myself bc you're gonna say I'm gaslighting these idiots. Man, the sheer amount of stupid people in the world is staggering, esp that clown named Fischer or whatever his name is. Fooking absolute clown. No, I do not want clown money if they want to know.
Thanks for the tip Randy! I remember in the 90s going up to lake George in upstate New York and the biggest bass caught were caught on a black body worm with a chartreuse tail Texas rig set up, and this video really connects those dots… I really appreciate your videos keep it up and screw the haters, like my mom would say “they are just jealous” lol fish on and tight lines!
going to try this!
Something like the creme tube worm
It’s funny you mention black with the chartreuse tail, when I came back to bass fishing in 2018, I picked up a crusty old pack of netbait trick worms in that color at then local live bait store and caught both a largemouth and small mouth later that day on a Texas rig with the bullet weight upside down. I haven’t stopped fishing since!
Power bait the original had power crawls in black with chartreuse claws I still use them alone or as a jig trailer great in the spring as you said
The knight tube worm ceased production in the 80s because they were much more expensive to produce than other worms of the day. A smoke colored tube worm was a favorite in my family. Creme is making them now as I bought several packs last year at bass pro out of nostalgia.
Artistically speaking black and yellow is the most contrasting color combination. That's why safety warning tape is black and yellow. Chartreuse and black is s very contrasting and noticable combination for the fish to notice
Thanks Randy I have discovered this also, the man knows what hes talking about
Randy it's a real good color in muddy milky spring run off water. I fished a tournament down in southern Illinois and did real good all black jig black trailer, black/chartreuse trailer💯💯💯💯💯👍🏾
You’re my absolute favorite!
A Fisherman true n true!
Looks good I try
Creme and Gambler do make a tube worm.
Any chance of baitworks stocking black dye
Black and chartreuse ring worm !
Great tip Randy thanks I’ll be clicking away on yer links 😜
Knight tube worm
A small bowl of water eliminates the died fingers.. dip the trailer in the die then the water before handling it.
I use a black lizard with chartreuse tail in spring and it works great thats for sure
Thanks Randy!
…and here I was expecting some variant of red/orange for spring.
The color combo does work I had one of my best days last spring on something similar a quarter oz black ballhead jig and cut a senko in half then split the tail like 5 times dip it all in chartreuse you can swim it and it works on bottom
I may still have a pack or those old tube worms in my old box.
Almost like the first time you ever dyed something…🤣
What color if water clear over 6 ft