In this video I talk about my thoughts and opinion on the Recent Copy of this Orginal and innovative bait, The Grow Design Works Flag. This bait is by far one of the most innovative baits to hit the swimbait market in the last few years. Unfornately Berkley Fishing decided to take it upon themselves and come out with an idetical product, slap there label and name on it. Then claim it to be there own. Feel free to comment your opinion below. Also if you want to buy from the company that deserves to reap the rewards from this bait idea. Head on over to Grow designs website or some of the dealers websites that work with them.
Youtube: @growdesignworks4167
Instagram: @growdesignworks
38 167 1 minute read
Thx I was in the dark about the nessie. Didn’t know it was a knockoff but the way it moved in the water peaked my interest but won’t buy one now. Thx again.
If you go to Grow Design and try to purchase any of their Flags, they are all out of stock. They need to keep up with the demand or people will look at the next best thing that is available.
I am pretty confident in saying Berkely doesn't and probably has never had an original/innovative idea in their product line history. They are the biggest copy cat in the industry… and every one knows it as well. Which also strikes me as odd that people would even have any feelings about it. That all being said, if berkely managed to get the same action as the other lure, then yes, people will buy the Berkely lure over the more expensive hard to get lure. There will always be the swimbait fanatics that buy and wait in line for the hard to get expensive bait… probably not going to hurt the original maker.
Senko anyone??
Who cares. I love it. An affordable swim bait that isn’t 70 to 150 bucks. Good job Berkley. Every company copies one another. Carter baits and spinner baits are a prime example. They all copy each other. Same with crank and jerk baits.
agree 1,000%! …that old sick fish was such a blatant copy and pure garbage 🤮
Great video once again, bro. I met Benno from Little Creeper years ago long before the Berkley copy came out and the OG Trash Fish are still the bomb. I guarantee that I won't be carrrying these new baits in my shop and if I can get on with Grow Designs I will!
If we looked closely, how many variations are there of the spook? Not saying I agree, but copying baits has been going on for several decades. Especially major corporations. Major corporations are under corporate pressure to hit their numbers. They are going to continue to do it because the fisherman looks to save money when making purchases. The bad thing is the little guys cannot match the margins of the copies made by major tackle companies. Just like buying at Sam's, mass production simply lowers the price tag and the target demographic for fishermen certainly includes the lower-income anglers.
New design? Or knock-off / refinement of the Banjo 006 Lure? How old am I? Haha
I always get originals they are usually the same price like the plopped and chopo or whatever
U wasn't kidding grow design definitely makes better baits an didn't know berkley getting like other companies but hey its America what we do best. Definitely going to be getting a grow design lures thanks for spreading the awareness about hard work an tight lines
Senko bladed jigs walking baits were copied . It’s the industry.
Berkeley already compied the gilly, then cull shad then nessey. Its nothing new at all. Others I'm sure I'm unaware of
Definitely not going to change. Its all about the $!
I see lots of copying going on among everyone. I have a real basic understanding of patent law. Tell me, are patent laws international? It appears that Grow Design is from Japan. Is a patent in Japan valid and enforceable in the USA? Is a USA patent enforceable in Japan, Taiwan or China? We live in a real small world now. I can order lures from Japan and Fed Ex will have them at my front door in 2-3 days.
I agree, We all should recognize the copies and spend our money with the true innovators.
You made a great point!! Great job 👏🏽
I absolutely hate berkley products, i have 0 berkley products in my boat.
can anyone tell me the story behind 3:16 lure company and why they are frowned upon? Did they copy someone else also?
What about the megabass soft glide bait? Not sure single mention of it in the discussion.
These Large corporations have no sense of morals. They have been doing it for years. The only way to have them feel the pain is to boycott all their product lines.
Have y’all seen the megabass twitch lol??
Castiac had the first soft glide with that joint. Grow design was not first. I have a box full of them.
You young guys act like this is something new! It’s been happening for ages and generations. This is nothing new.
Hate to tell ya, but "the industry" ain't what it was 10-15 years ago. Spencer Shuffield has no ethics either lol
How long has Grow Design Flag been out?
Every company copies another company, look at the feud with Googan and 6th sense. Every lure is based on another
every lure on earth at one time had an original…the senko..the lizard..the millions of keitech swimbaits..craws…free rig..whopper soon as a patent expires or a secret slips out…its game on….just how it is….usually Japan drops something…American picks it up. i thought the nessie was the first because i had never seen any others. the smaller companies want to keep stuff such a secret that it hurts their growth and money….if its good they need to push it…not hide it. but i do think berkley need to say its their take of another bait…not say its the first of its kind
One thing that I have seen pros talk about is that ICast awards are an industry joke and some big company runs the whole thing and give the award to whoever pays the most, that doesn’t mean that the ones awarded are not great products, but they just paid for the award.
This is the problem now all this company copy other like new spro or Mafia go after megabass swim bait killing me
Well swimbait companies should stop selling outrageously expensive swim baits Im going with a cheaper knock off I got groceries to buy and bills to pay they’ll be alright.
Do you have this Friday July 21st in the afternoon/evening available??
Hey, if I am not mistaken, didn't Paul Bailey help design the Flag? I believe he first introduced it to me last year during a guided trip. I remember him talking about how it was the first of its kind, being a soft jointed swimbait.
My take is if one bait performs better than another, then I’m going to stick with the one that works best for me. Regardless of price.
We need to see more collaborations and less knock offs. SPRO did it with the Chad Shad. If the big companies supported the bait designers this wouldn’t be an issue. I am all for cheaper more available lures that actually work.
Hmm, kind of like the Berkley Chopo and the whopper Plopper.
I hear ya buddy, Berkley could have done a collab like Spro did.
Look what happened with the chatterbait and how many copies there are.
Berkley paid alot of money to make their version of the trash fish, I wonder if they did the same with this new swimbait or did they have to because that company is not in the USA.