Follow my instagram giveaway very soon at 500 subscribers you dont want to miss it !! @hookin_em
Good Carma brother. Keep that Heart .
Fire video! Love the intro & the different shots 😮💨🔥
Dope vid man, what spots do you use? I’m guessing Bakersfield near the gate or golf. Got any spots closer to Los banos
Nice fish bro
where is this place @? Good work thanks for the video
Loving the videos bro! Where exactly is this gate at? Trying to find different spots to fish at for fun.
Hey man you should show us your setup from beginning to end😊
I salute you homey, Ya got a good heart. Your folks did good by you. Thay deserve credit too.
Nice catch bro you deserve more subscribers for killin it
Good catches love fishing for striped bass. Nice of you to give that lady the duo realis 👍🏽
Good catches. Good looking out for the peeps