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Today we continue the conversation about knock off lures and the state of the bass fishing industry! Give us your thoughts down in the comment section! You can visit our online tackle shop at


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  1. The knock offs are NEVER as of the same quality. I got a ko tk just because my buddy painted it and I never use it.
    These guys put so much of there time to put out good quality baits. I 100% agree with u

  2. If the originator is holding back production and hacking up the price well then someone else can now take advantage and make a knock off for cheaper . What most people don’t realize is these bait drops and unavailability is done on purpose to drive up the cost of the original. Most of these baits are cheap to make and produce but they want $100 – $150 each . Plus now tons of people are buying up to resell on secondary market .

  3. No offense intended, KVD did say he was using a duo spy bait. The stunna isn't a knock off unlike the Lucky Strike…. it has different action (sinking) than mega bass, and FYI Hank Cherry was already under contract with Berkely when he won using the mega bass. In fact the reason he wasn't using the Berkley Cutter jerkbait was its poor castability. He went in and they discontinued the whole cutter line and they redesigned what is now the Stunna. Strike king bought a license to the rage tail paddle design patent – guess what? So did googan. Evergreen aka jackhammer bought a license from z-man to produce their own chatterbait….. so did strike king for the thunder cricket. The true knockoffs aggravates me as well but please inform yourself and point your finger in the right direction because you do have a good channel. Again please take my comments as informative not a bash because that's what I intended.

  4. Yep everyone does it…even 6th sense., I hate when the pros do the rod, reel and line switching from year to year…. My understanding is that strike king forced their pros to use Lew's or they would be dropped

  5. Agree with your perspective, but to be an opposing voice to most of the comments, that's just not how international production works. With few exceptions, pretty much all of these baits are made in the same handful of factories. I get the perspective of the r&d costs, credit to the originator, etc but that's when they need to patent it.

    Why don't more patents and patent challenges take place? Because like you said, pretty much everything has been done and most "innovations" are iterative of something else.

    All that "look what we innovated" bullshit is marketing. No different than what Apple does. Shitty fact of reality is we have become accustomed to mass availability at affordable prices. Messed up thing is with inflation and all that affordable isn't even that affordable anymore. Anyway, I digress.

  6. Amen to this video!! Wish the industry would get behind this. But Ive been fishing for years and these last couple years Ive caught more fish on the Krackin Kraw, i know nobody wants to believe it but I always try the rage craw first, idk if its the scent or the action of the bait bc the k. kraws are a lot softer than the rage craws they do not last long at all. But I still like the rage craw more bc its Original, 6th sense is knocking off megabass with everything they make and it's weird nobody will talk about it..

  7. I agree with everything you said. That’s why I like the G Man. He was catching fish using a non sponsored bait, called his sponsor and asked” what do I say when they ask what I was using” . His sponsor said tell the truth. And he did. Hats of to both Gerald Swindle and his sponsor. As for as innovation cut back on the profit margins. Not just in the fishing industry but everywhere . Love the videos. Keep up the outstanding job

  8. after investigating the brandon palaniuk claims you made, he was sponsored by daiwa in 2018, and lost his sponsorship at the end of 2017 with abu garcia. Its great you want to sell daiwa products and all. But that is all you are doing. Its not the verified the "Best Equipment" simply because one pro angler uses their reels and not even using their best equipment, Daiwa Rods. Its just a bogus claim to sell what you are most confident in.

  9. So wouldn’t that make megabass a knock off to rapala. Considering rapala built a jerkbait long before magabass, who built their jerkbaits in the late 90s. Hmmmmm some companies should being paying billions to rapala then.

  10. Preach brother preach. Everything you stated is why I stick with the OG lures. It's the OG lures that made that luer so popular if they didn't catch a crap ton of fish they wouldn't have taken off like they did.

  11. Holy cow I’m so glad I found your channel!!! Im so sick of these pro YouTube channels! I need real information. I have to find my own way because I feel missed lead in bass fishing. But I will be checking your channel out bro. God bless.

  12. I get what you’re saying but it appears that you are in a tackle shop that I’m assuming you own. So where does the “selling out” stop? You disagree with their business practices, but do you disagree enough to not make money for yourself selling their “knock off” products? If people regularly buying Strike King in your shop stopped buying them and started demanding Googan, would you stop making money or start selling Googan? FWIW, Rage Craws are 1000x more durable than a Krackin Kraw. Don’t even get me started on the garbage “lunker log”.

  13. Just bought a knock off tiny klash. Don’t feel bad what so ever. First of all it’s $100 and I get that a ton of time, effort, and research go into making them, but I still think that may be a little steep. More importantly if I wanted to get my hands on one for a $100 I couldn’t. To get a decent pattern it’s more like $180 up.

  14. I recently started buying my baits from local bait makers and it is amazing how creative they are, not to mention they will make a bait to you exact specifications. Plus, keeping money flowing in the local economy. That’s for the video!

  15. Santa Claustin is an OG name! HAHAHA! 🤣 it's sad that it costs less to have something made on the opposite side of the world and shipped here than to have Joe Bob make it at the old Chevy factory downtown. Only thing different about the stunna is 2 mm haha. Anything non-sponsor is a prototype lol. Cherry's first he used the 110 and second berkley put the stunna in his hand instead lol. At least he talked up them fusion 19 hooks on the 110 🤣 it wasn't the 110 that did the work, it was them berkley fusion 19s…. 😂 Googan plastics are the softest and not durable. I think strike king has a patent on the rage flange though, that's why you see all the rage copies have an extra bit of plastic.

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