
MLF On The Verge Of Banning Livescope/Forward Facing Sonar?

Randy talks about a rumor with mlf..#fishingdaily #bassfishing #fish #angler #bass #catchandrelease #fishing #fishingtrip #fishinglife

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  1. Hopefully the banning ffs leads to banning tournaments period. After learning the mentality and total disregard for nature of professional fisherman as in Brian News latest incident which didn’t even involve ffs I can honestly say I would like to see all tournaments go away. I realize all anglers are not like this but when I see this it ruins it for me as a fan and a small tournament angler..

  2. MLF needs to leave it alone and not change anything for a couple of years. They have changed the rules so much it would do nothing but hurt them more at this point. If they ban it I guess Boyd may come in 39th instead of 40th.

  3. I think they should either ban or severly limit the use of FFS, this would be a great step forward in PROFESSIONAL Bass fishing. These guys are supposed to be the best, most knowledgable, and intuitive BASS anglers on the planet. They shouldn't need to play a video game to catch fish. Now the guys with the most money to put the most transducers on their boats get a comeptitive edge, not only that all the fish caught in deepwater suspending schools are being damaged. I am a very technical person, technology was my living but as Anglers they should be in tune with the fish movements, habits, ets… having fished and learned all about this much of their lives. My .02

  4. If you take away the foward facing sonar, they competition would be 100x better because its not fun watching people look down all the time majority of the sport is figuring out the lake and with the sonar you take that away.

  5. It's getting ridiculous. Rookies are dominating BASS and it's becoming a joke. I've been a fan of tournament fishing for over 30 years. I don't even care to watch live or the weigh ins and it's a sad day in fishing.

  6. I was a club fisherman for many years and recently maybe two years ago I decided to give it up for personal reasons. I had stayed in touch with a few of the members and in fact I continued support the clubs web site and tournament data. Hear from a few guys on the subject of ffs I discovered that there’s a number members that are onboard have become disenchanted with the club and members that use FFS. Some have also fished state tournaments and decided they will no longer fish those events because they felt like they were back boated all day. Since I was doing stats for the club I noticed a drop in participation of anglers in the club. I realized that most of the non boaters were guilty of the lack of participation. I then realized that they no longer wanted to sit in the back of the boat where ffs is being used. Is ffs good for the sport of bass fishing. That seems apparent. The Elite series and BPT may be not affected in these venues because the only rod in the water is in the front. Those guys have different problem where the guys that are good at are tending be most successful at the finish line. B.A.S.S. tournaments have changed. Will they continue is anybody’s guess. Sorry if I’m late to the party and may have repeated these opinions.

  7. Allowing live Scope in practice should be fine. All transducers need to be removed on tournament day. Being Drawn with a live Scope fisherman and being stuck on the back of the boat is a flat-out waste of my day. That boater would receive a bill for my time!

  8. Alternative reason FFS not directly related to catching fish. Before 9/11, we were driving over the Lake Lavon dam roadway. Closed off after 9/11. Witnessed a professional skier go down, he wasn't wearing a vest, the camera boat was filming. As we idled by after launching a rescue team was on the way. Apparently he was knocked un unconscious. We searched with old school sonar with no success. He body was recovered 2 weeks later. I bought the SI sonar for this primary reason, in case someone was in trouble on the water. SI has been used for rescue and recovery across our nation. Otherwise agree that for competitive angling, FFS is not fair for the game fish being targeted. God bless you all.

  9. Always been a Roland & Scott Martin fan which translated into enjoying watching Scott’s daughter Hillary becoming a good angler. But Scott is now big on the technology and after watching Hillary move to college tournaments she was using livescope. I haven’t watched any of their videos lately. Blows my mind how you can have all that knowledge from grandpa & dad and still feel the need to look at a screen all day while fishing.

  10. I believe that the gift of learning how to bass fish is compromised with FFS. The cognitive compacity to figure out how to piece the puzzle of bass movements and habits has lost its relativity with FFS. I live in Florida. I have fished the Harris Chain often. It was disappointing to watch this weekend. Randy, what do recommend, or feel is a sufficient unit to purchase? What unit doesn't cross a line? What capabilities doesn't cross a line? I need to upgrade my technology "know how" on my Ranger. I want to make the best choice for my investment. Thank you for your updates and opinions.

  11. Mlf will not ban ffs because their poster boy wouldn’t win as many tournaments. NOW before someone goes off on me saying he’s just as good without it I say this he is good no doubt be he will not win like he is winning now. Will he be in the top 10 almost every tournament yes but new people will be winning

  12. I think the only reason The pros keep supporting it is we have all had 0 fish days. In as a pro that really has to suck. Now they are garenteed with thier skills to get 5. But that was also what was so great about fishing. The fish would shut off one guy would suck on final day or fish out thier spot. In some guy would swing for the fence in come back in win. That will all chang now they have these . Huge moves in leader changes won't happen near as ofter.

  13. The more I listen, the more I agree with you Randy. I must say I've always appreciated the advancement of improved tools to the sport. But I can see that its having a negative effect and you are right on point.

  14. I really hope you are right. The announcers spent soooo much air time praising live scope and trash talking folks like us who want it gone.
    I hardly watched it was so very boring.

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