Watch out everyone the Karens and out and about and attempting to ruin our fishing trips. I was out doing some fishing in Tampa Florida when a angry Karen decided to yell at me from her back porch. I go in depth towards the end of the video and talk about what we could’ve done better in this situation.
Lews X KTBTv Combos –
Big Bass Energy –
Fishing Lures I Use –
Fishing Rods & Reels I Use –
Double Digit Bass Video –
Last Fishing Video –
Another Fishing Video –
More Fishing Videos –
IG – @Kickin_Their_Bass_Tv & @NoahPescitelli
Cody’s IG – @codymarty
#karen #freakout #fishing
Do you have a Karen moment? Share your story down below! Also make sure to check out my ig –
It just occurred to me that a lot of white people dont know what the term "Karen" means.
Love the Jersey gal
Fish in a real lake, dude
So, let me get this… You're trespassing, and poaching….and calling others "Karen's"…..?
Hhhhh…..the names of the dogs? Of course…Karen ….sounds just like the owner
Some people are just territorial.
Your a Good man who was obviously brought up right with manners and respect for your elders👍😊❤️. Even when they are complete DOUCHES🤣
Broo lets get Some "Impressed Karens after you Caught some Biggins" if they were still lingering around after they were wrong for trying to kick you out or During the time they wanted to kick you Out!!
You should post walleye fishing
Bass fishing rocks😂
The amount of videos I’ve seen of you just going to ponds in the middle of random neighborhoods I’ve been wondering when you were gonna catch a Karen lol
You should try deepsea fishing
That was a very good fish.
That lady was awesome. How normal ppl should act.
Don't get why every fishing channel gets so many views.
Yeah, kickin their bass, real original.
If there was NO FISHING signs, why fish there? Almost like they're baiting Karen's for content now.
Had a few guns pointed at Me in the 1970s by man Karens for fishing , crawfishing and water skiing .They all thought they owned the bayous here . They lost . I'm old now and I am still in the same bayous . As for the Karens are long gone .
Love your video’s
CLICKBAIT AF! he had a small hiccup with a mouthy pos couple, but dam sure wasn't any kind of Karen flipout!
"who says beat it" well there was this one guy… Michael Jackson 😁
You're old enough to know that miserable people try to make everyone else miserable too.
these people that just allow their dogs to bark and do nothing about it drives ya crazy, If the dog is that dumb and undisciplined so is the owner.
You’re in people’s back yard. Of course they’re going to get upset. If there was a public park on the water. Fine, fish there, but don’t walk through people’s yards.
🙂 🙂
the only dogs idc if they gonna die xd
The best way to deal with people like you is to find your vehicle and customize it with some cans of expanding spray foam.
Karen Fishing?