In today’s video, I go searching for the mysterious animal that has been eating my fish for over a month! After losing HUNDREDS of fish including my 2 rare paddlefish, I decided to drain my backyard pond and net all of the fish out to transport them somewhere more safe until we find out what’s eating them! We suspected the alligator came back and has been killing our fish, however… After catching out TONS of my pet fish including fire eels, oscars, arowanas, redtail catfish, cichlids, koi, AND MORE we discovered a highly venomous coral snake inside of my pond, but it looks like one of my fish attacked and killed it… After netting more fish out we started feeling something going around inside of my filter, and when we looked inside we discovered a MONSTER invasive snake living inside! We suspect that this 6ft snake was the one eating my fish so we removed it and were able to put my fish back into their home!
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Can’t believe that MONSTER snake was eating my fish! Should we buy more paddlefish?
That could be a milkshake
Givenme the sake
Looks to be a red tail boa most likely a BCI
That Boa looked pretty pristine and very healthy. Didn't look like its been in the wild long, nor did it look like it was filled with ticks, or looked too mangled from fights…so Im gonna say Im about 95% sure it either got lose from someone else, or someone released it because they couldnt take care of it anymore.
Keep him
Dong kill the boa
Colombian Red Tailed Boa.
Florida is basically Africa 😂
Oh ffs…you have raccoons. This is Florida..they eat everything in the pond,. You need to put up 3 wire electric fence 4" to 6" between wires around all of your ponds . Not doing it ensures you're going to lose alot more fish .
Its harmless
My money is on a raccoon or another alligator. That boa would not have taken the volume of fish you're talking about in the short space of time.
They'd be happy with a decent size rat or two every few weeks.
The snake is a boa
And pythons don't kill humans and aren't known for.esfing fish or being a danger to humans at all, and same exact thing can be said about boasted yes its a released or lost pet
Thanks, Christian!
They don't kill humans
Bro buy a arapaima
LOVED THIS! Next time show the handover of the snake <3
Could be a milk snake or tri color hognose even if so it wouldn't hurt you guys it's venom isn't that potent and it uses venom for prey not predators plus no confirmed human deaths and honestly something else ate them not that definitely
A gator wouldn't attack you it'd run away
Oscar winning acting that is not a wild snake coz in wild they r very defensive. Just for views😂
Dude did you not see that 🐊 alligator next to your leg
I love rob pls put him in the next video
I see you filling your ponds with the garden hose, and it makes me wonder…Are you using city water, or is it well water? The pleco are awesome looking.
Please buy betta fish
Keep the python and you can get it to eat the snake heads as it is big enough for the pythons to eat them
Wow!! You know there’s trouble in paradise when Robs not even there to help in a crisis😮 Poor Rob. He’s such a nice guy. I guess your ego is just bigger than his hair😂😂
That's what living in Cambodia look like
Yooo i haven't watch your videos for atleast a month and im kind of surprised that bruce still alive.
Since finishing every episode of River Monsters I just religiously watch these videos as my new favourite show
it’s a cross breed boa
You should put a gate around your pounds
your friend is brave than u
Coi fish eat smaller fish
It’s a boa constrictor
Bobby the snake might be a milksnake because coral snakes and milksnakes look like each other
Your oscar Bruce is 19 years old
Neck can you go to Dutch LA touch later but that’s the swimming pool
is anyone looking at the aligator in ground
Not the paddle fish 😢
It is venomous snake.. but that think cant eat those paddle fish. You said there was no dead fish… on with the video haha OOOoo yaa constrictor definitely is the thing eating your fish.. wrap around them, choke em and swallow. Hes eating good for sure !! Woww !! If it was released, they need to be shot. That thing is very, very friendly and looks like it was handled alot. There are places you can give them to, instead of letting them go. Hope it was an escape !! Was he in were the eels hang out ? should check to see if there is more, you have a bunch of them
That boa is not what’s eating your fish and that’s 💯 percent someone’s pet next door .
Also my mom once told me that it won't bite …well not until it's big enough she said it can swallow a cow😅