In this bass fishing video we catch giant bass in dirt shallow water while river fishing! It’s been a very long time since we’ve done some river fishing on the savannah river. We found some giant bass living dirt shallow. Have you ever gone river fishing? Do you like river fishing? Have you ever caught a giant bass while river fishing? Have shallow have you gone bass fishing? Let me know if you like these bass fishing videos / river fishing videos. Also leave your feedback on the giant bass fishing videos / shallow water bass fishing videos. Now let’s go catch some giant bass in dirt shallow water while river fishing!
Last River Fishing Video –
Another River Fishing Video ––XGvt8ic&t=45s
More River Fishing Videos –
IG – @Kickin_Their_Bass_Tv & @NoahPescitelli
Cody’s IG – @codymarty
Finally back on the river🔥 If you want to see more river videos, get this video to 5k LIKES💯 Appreciate the love and support👊🏼
Watch the road brother be careful driving 🚗
Never misses a fish that isn’t a giant 😂
U need tall sizes in merch
There's a pond behind the YMCA on Wilmington Island theres some biggins
Nice bro!
Lol that spank made the video 😆🤣😂😹😆🤣😂😹
Adidas shorts with Nike shoes. Doesn’t know how to be a good hype east.
Love your content bro keep it up
Fish abuse??
noah have you ever went fishing and forgot to turn your camera on on your chest
Great video! I loved it!
Please sponsor me it’s my first year in tirnaments
It’s so hard to catch that many bass in one trip up here in New Jersey 😂
who needs to go to the gym when you lifting weights like that!! #bassdumbbells
When a beat comes on that’s how yo know he’s about to catch him a good fish
Dude, for a guy that fishes as much as you………GET A SCALE. still love ya Noah. No hate here
I feel like Noah should try out some bigger tourneys
Give em a lil spanking 😂😂😂
Can I fish with you?
Them spankings tho 🥵😂😂🔥🔥🔥
getting tire6of this this I don't have a scale mess. Bs
Would love to see some more brim fishing videos this summer you should do a 1v1 live bait challenge with norm
You should do another giveaway
EZ 😎
I just canot do it when you you give little slaps on the belly it was just way to funny ! #BIGBASSENERGY
Jesus loves you
Wow..nice …as always great videos .thanks for these awesome dream catch..with some tips ..hope u get to catch some big double digits this season 👏🏻👏🏻🐟🎣
Fishing in those Mid 77s I see….
also…. @ 16:05…. ggaaaayyyy??? lmao
Your amazing bro. Best content on youtube
man this is so depressing for me to watch this got me so excited i loved the video man youre freakin awesome but fishing here in north west louisiana sucks , ive never had a day where i get this many bites, its one or 2 bites and the rest is history. It makes me wanna cry sometimes lmao
can't believe how many rods I've snapped this year, I gotta buy me a new one before the championship tournament in may😬
There's should also be a love button bc the like button just isn't good enough
Noah’s shoes game be like 🔥🔥🔥
Politics set aside I would really love to see Norm, lojo and yourself have a bass tournaments against each other. It would be great to see the team back together.
Fishing is heating up! I caught 14 largies and 8 crappie day before yesterday out of a local pond in 3.5 hours.
Big bass energy love the vids keep up the fishing 👍
Sorry I’ve been Mia bro been super busy w work n tryin to get ready for fishing
Did he say the Savannah river ??
Great video!
Every time Noah hooks into a big one he goes into T. rex mode or something effective but I can’t help but laugh.
Hi a am new
God is good