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I have yet to find a boulder in Rayburn or T-Bend. Oh… Wait… Nevermind.
When do you employ a hard large swimbait, and when do you elect to use one of the large SOFT swimbaits?
All my over 10lb fish have come on glide baits your not going to be catching a lot of fish but, the fish you do catch are going to be big fish I've thrown glide bait all day long not a bite you have to be patient because eventually your going to put that bait in front of the biggest alpha bass in your lake or pond and you better be ready for fish on because you don't have a dink! Fish a glide bait like a bass is always following it and you will have success
I just picked up an s waver 168. I never used a glide before but ive also never seen anyone on the small lakes or ponds i fish use one either. I hope the learning curve is short. Thanks for the tips!
My hotspot on my home lake is just that a huge set of boulders. The top of the water to the top of the rock is about 8 feet deep. Of course depending on the water level in the lake. It sets on a secondary point. A bridge is next cover which is 200 yards away. Fish stay on the rock!#RippinLipsInc
awesome information!
Love it. I definitely have a pile of them along with my other tackle. Once you have a day with multiple fish over five with them you fish them a lot more. It’s the time to be throwing the big glide though for sure!!
Great video. Have you ever used the Bio Shad? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
Glide baits are something I need to spend time learning this year! Around all the waters I fish I don't see or hear of anyone throwing glide's and if I spend some time with it I bet it will pay off especially if the bass don't see them where I fish… thanks for the juice!
I haven't gotten into the glide bait thing too much, but I do know some guys where that's pretty much all they ever fish. They might only get 1 or 2 bites all week, but holy cow are those some huge bites!
I bought a 6th Sense garage sale sack that had two glide baits in it. $215 value for $99. Lots of good baits in that bag!
Not everyone is cut out to fish for just a single bite.
One thing I really liked about this video is the point that you really have to dedicate yourself to the big bait and like Randy said you need the right conditions sometimes to get it done on the big bait. Some days it will be lights out and you won’t have to put the big bait down but most days it will be a grind. On clear water lakes where you have 5+ foot visibility it can be a deadly tool. Largemouth and smallmouth I’ll eat it.
Big bait fishing is a whole other prod outside of conventional fishing. There is also a lot more to big baits other than glides and big soft baits. There are people making big crankdowns that get 10+ feet, wake baits and magnum topwaters. There is so much to it. You’re lakw doesn’t have to have huge fish either
Thanks fellas, I saw a glide on TW for over $500! I can’t think of a scenario where I would ever do that….at least while still being married 🎣
Great video guys! I've been using the draw a little here and there. It's a nice bait. Those swivel hook hangers are top notch 💪
Most anglers new to big baits don't throw them enough, after 30 minutes & no bites they will pick up something else. In my experience. Your doing well to get 1 bite a day. Multiple bites your really doing good!! I've caught multiple fish in a day. But most of time that's not the case. You have to be willing to go days for a single fish. But that's how I get the monsters. It's well worth it to me!
If been fishing being swimbaits little over 2 yrs now. They have caught me all my biggest largemouth & striper. I have alot more experience with soft baits than I do hard baits. But this year I'm going to focus on big hard baits more. Any suggestions about 9-10" glides? What's your guys top 3 bait picks? Not budget baits, price having nothing to do with it. Just quality & getting bites!
I want to ask Matt how many times he's caught BIG bass throwing musky baits. Every musky trip I've ever been on seems to end up with a huge bass or two taking a whack at some big musky baits. A friend of mine throws a big chartruese Rapala Glidin' rap a lot musky fishing and has caught some giant bass and walleye on it.
Yep, lost a big one and caught a 4.9 yesterday in some shallow water. about 10 yd off the rip rap bank where a lot of big rocks are.
Thanks Boys I like the s waver. Its nice to see Matt and Randy so passionate about glide baits.
Surprised no one mentioned that the action is imparted by the reel not the rod.
One thing I’ve learned about glides is that every brand has its own way it likes to be fished. Some like to be fished fast and others prefer to be fished slow, some are made to be switched and some won’t work right if you switch them. Just all depends on the bait. I’ve got all kinds of glides from store bought ones to custom hand built ones. All different types of actions on them. I personally think 8 speed reels are to fast, I think 7 and under works good. But appreciate great video and awesome information y’all!! And savage gear makes some decent glides for a decent price.
This is really interesting stuff but, I guess I'm not really as hardcore about bass fishing as many others are. Alot of times I'm just happy to catch fish the size of your glide-baits.
Great stuff guys! I’ve really developed confidence with a mag draft this year but a glide is something I need to keep in my hands more. Definitely going to use these tips!