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Bass Fishing- Do I Need Google and Chrome and YaHOOOO!!!???

A rant. Plain and simple. I’m tired of being old and dumb.’
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We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. You make perfect sense to me,I had to learn a little about the media or find a cave,but there all taken by homeless freeloaders getting assistance from taxpayers like you and me,well I'm so retired taxes are not an issue,I paid my share,as a business owner you know small business owners are bent over,I would love to use the words I'm thinking,I love the thought of all the freeloaders in Washington working a real job,or taking the so called Dr Death of covid,no name required for that one and jailing him,being I got jabbed and still got covid twice,OK,now that's over,stay with old school,I'm making myself pissed!we're a dying breed!God Bless.

  2. when i came to ky from california it was the last cicada spawn a few years ago. i did pull over and was like whats wrong with my truck. then i still heard the noise and i was like wtf is going on lol. ya i hate the passwords crap too. i cant get on my old youtube so i made this one because i forgot login or even what email it was. oh well. nice vid.

  3. Never pay to get anything retrieved! Those are scam companies and will get all your info and then you will be in real trouble.I have never had a problem with Yahoo.But I use Firefox and not Google

  4. Open browser, go to settings, click on password manager. It will show you all the passwords you have saved to whatever you have, click on the one you need and hit show and done, it'll take the dots away and show what you have in there. You're welcome, ya ol fart.

  5. I can sympathize bud. Sounds like someone hacked your e mail and changed it. Im glad you were able to post . My father who has passed fought computers the last 10 years of his life selling guns on gun broker. God bless Dale and tight lines buddy.

  6. Great video! I consider myself a young dinosaur at the age of 52 and can agree with and sympathize with everything you said. Im sure if i lived down that way, you, Randy, and I would be good friends. Keep making the videos. Always a pleasure to hear your perspective.

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