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3 Best Baits For Windy Weather Bass Fishing

⭐️Other videos that will help you catch fish

#brianlatimer #bassfishing #blat #fishing #basstournaments

Enter the Spring Fishing Classic
⭐️this event has no entry fee
⭐️ all anglers welcomed!!!
⭐️you can find all the links in my latest YouTube videos to the equipment mentioned.
⭐️register for the tournament at
⭐️make a purchase at a passcode will be sent with your order when it arrives.
⭐️download the @fishing_chaos app
⭐️create a account
⭐️all bass will be scored by length. You WILL NEED TO GET THE OFFICIALMEASURING BOARDS. (Links on all recent YouTube videos)
⭐️5 biggest bass count.
⭐️use the link on the latest YouTube videos to order your official measuring boards
⭐️the tournament starts MAY 1 – MAY31 2022
⭐️anyone anywhere can participate


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. One of my best days ever on Champlain was throwing a Trap into the back of windswept coves. It was mostly sunny but with constant 15-20 mph winds and gusts. I was throwing with the wind into the banks that were being pounded.

  2. It's ok bro, I'm not that into science when it comes to bass fishing or anything else for that matter. I'm just trying to learn to catch a bass 😂

  3. When it’s windy it knocks down bugs into the water which brim and smaller fish feed on? Idk where I heard this but it’s probably not the stupidest thing I’ve ever repeated.

  4. Would you be able to do the same with a bladed jig along with a spinnerbait. I keep thinking in windy conditions you need something that moves, makes noise and vibrates a lot with a fairly big profile. My home lake is like this a lot.

  5. Have you done a bank fishing tips video? I haven't had much luck catching some big ones for the tournament but im hoping to up my rank within top 10 before the end.

  6. between the chihuahua comment regarding Spots and the fart, I was lol’g. Good tips BLat. it has truly been the most windiest spring early summer I can ever remember. God bless!

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