
You Won’t Believe What I Heard Guys Saying About Livescope At Yesterday’s Tournament…

Randy talks about a conversation he overheard on forward facing technology at the last tournament…#bassmaster #catchandrelease #angler #fish #fishing #fishingdaily #fishingtrip #bass #fishinglife

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Book an on the water lesson with me by shooting me a private message on my Facebook page Randy Blaukat, professional angler

Solarbat Blaukat sunglasses…


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  1. I'm 67 years old I've done tournaments I'm still out there on my bass boat fishing matter of fact I just bought a new bass boat! I'd like to see everybody using their talents and they're smart like the old days put a flasher on let's see how good a fisherman you really are! Instead of fishing from a video game and that's just what it is now you see the fish you watch your lower go down in front of the fish it's ridiculous

  2. I know everybody is against livescope but the truth is that it doesn't make the fish bite. Just because you can see the fish doesn't mean you will catch it. Its one thing to know how to read it and how to use it effectively, but getting them to bite is a challenge by itself. Most people I know personally hate livescope because they dont know how to read it. We have some buddies that are amazing fishermen and they hate it not because they cant catch fish but because they cant read it so it hurts them in tournaments and for that reason they hate it.

  3. Randy, I'm a bank walker and I'm not talking little farm ponds. I'm talking large inter-mountain west reservoirs. I challenge anyone with sonar and 3d imaging to actually develop the skills it takes to be able to look at a bank and lake layout use their brain and instinct to catch fish and not hide lack of skill behind electronics.

  4. 1) so many different fish carry the same return and signatures, that technology may be “claimed at some point” but it’ll never tell a 20” carp from a 20” bass.
    2) side imaging has been out for quite some time now and with the way that return is used from the fish, they are still unidentifiable to the technology itself.
    3) you can literally use side imaging from your trolling motor, if you’re good enough, to “slow motion scope” fish if you know how to use your settings.
    4) tournament angling is the same as commercial fishing. It’s about the check. And they’re going to use the best tools available to consistently get paid.
    5) everyone bitched when DI came out “it’s going to ruin fisheries”
    6) everyone bitched when SI came out “it’s going to ruin fisheries”
    7) everyone bitched when spot lock came out “it’s going to take the sport out of it”
    8) i bet you can already guess what 8 is going to be.

  5. Whatever you do Randy, don't stop talking about this Livescope desease. It's the most sense thing. It's becoming more about money everyday that goes by. Also it's absolutely wrong and not right for the bass. It makes me very angry when people talk about it and how they use it. It's also not right to the local anglers who don't use Livescope. But you keep own pitching a fit about it. I'm right there with you!!

  6. The sport has become too big – too much pressure on the lakes has led to ffs. It’s only a matter of time before ffs will not be as effective. Ban it now before it is too late.

  7. Some states have already made the use of trail cameras illegal. Maybe the states can pass laws banning those types of live scope and forward facing sonar devices. It doesn’t seem like the tournament organizations are going to do anything about the problem because of the money they receive from the electronics manufacturers. Keep up the “good fight” Randy.

  8. Live scope should be banned at any public use water. The tournament promoters should have already done that. If you’re a professional fisherman you should be able to find and catch fish with a 1970 style flasher unit. Just saying…

  9. One of the winningest guys at the lake this year can barely read a graph. doesn’t even own side imaging and still runs a fortrex. He loves taking the live imaging guys money every weekend.

  10. Hey brother I purchased live scope three years ago here is what ill say about its use,,,, Its awesome as a tool to teach persons who have little experience with whatever species how the fish establish themselves in different areas of cover. I went through the whole guide services and explained how I wanted to know how to locate fish in different seasons and so forth and when I mentioned this it was shut down time,,,,, it was obvious the guides felt threatened by my questions and once my goals were made aware it was the usual standard info and catching fish of any quality never happened… I understood their concerns so I did what I felt was the best thing for me bought livescope and have learned tremendous amounts about fish and their habbits during the past three years. If I purchase a boat that cost 75k and purchase all the inventory that goes with that and someone developes livescope and it helps me become better at fishing because noone was truly willing to help with my side scan and how to understand what I was seeing I was frustrated and felt why not, and the limits of fish I catch now while some are do to livescope but not all as I see and understand more of what I need to be looking for on the side scan. And yes I do believe in catch and release I have kept one fish because it would have died anyway in three years of bass fishing. If they were to ban the livescope I am fine with it now that I have become a better fisherman however commercial boats use it daily…… I am just a meat popsicle so rock on brother give it all you got and until they tell me different ill be pointing some radar towards something.

  11. Quit beating a dead horse or you will lose all your subs. Livescope isn't going anywhere and you won't change that with your crying about it. I don't like it either but your repetitive wanking about it is old.

  12. As long as someone wants and uses it …they’ll sell em . It’s a money thing …..greed . When I win a tournament fishing with no electronics or old school stuff …it makes it that much more satisfying to beat those live scope guys

  13. Give it a break. People like you are what’s wrong with America. Livescope is just a tool. People are either good or bad and will do the right thing or the wrong thing. Quit with all the hate, it’s really getting old.

  14. The difference between musky and bass anglers can be interesting. If someone brought that up at a musky tournament (if they'd even be allowed to use that tech in the first place), he'd be laughed off the dock by everyone there.

  15. I agree 100% it's time to stop the electronic technology. I don't believe they understand the adverse effects it having on the skills of finding. I do have forward facing sonar. I got it to see what the fuss was about. I am not that impressed with it for video game fishing. It is a good tool for finding structure. I don't believe it should be permitted in any tournament that's what skills are for.

  16. I'm gonna start using an even better level of technology… Forward Looking DYNAMITE!! With you 100%, Randy and since when did anglers lose interest in the "hunt and stalk" mentality of fishing? I take as much pleasure in "fishing" as I do catching. Reading the water and all other conditions is part of the fun and learning to be a better angler every time I set out, is a Blessing. Simple depth finders are a great idea. Let's stop there…

  17. Wait til they have their own lowrance, garmin, humminbird sunglasses that have a blue tooth mode that allows them to look at the water and see the sonar live as it's connected to the glasses. I wouldn't put it passed them that they can make this happen. A camera in the water that connects to the glasses and as you scan with your head you see what's under the water.

  18. Dont fish bass much here in Northwest Montana but I have noticed that livescope keeps trout and other salmonids away. Sonar in general causes us lots of issues. We just turn it off when vertical jigging, because the fish will stop and turn around when they sense sonar. Scan for the sought out structure and then turn it off.

  19. This sounds more like hunting rather than fishing. Find the prey and shoot (cast) at it. Agreed it does take skill to use the electronics, cast accurately , use the right lure, entice the strike, and land the fish, but I agree with you this is not true fishing. Especially if casts are only made to scoped fish. It’s underwater hunting. Thanks for making us aware and maintaining the fight.

  20. For the first time in my 60 years of fishing, I captain for a high school tournament trail on Lake Conroe last weekend.
    Well, we came in 17th place in a field of 189 boats, with three bass for 7.5lbs. Not a great weight, but caught them without a signal,piece of electronics other than a depth finder. 75% of the boats had FFS proving your point, that real fishermen catch bass without any of that crap on board.

    You will always be remembered for your viewpoint and I’m proud to be a subscriber to your channels.

    The boys were thrilled on their first ever tournament and I could not have been more proud of them if I was their grandfather.

    Suffice to say, we worked on old school techniques. Basic bass logic, a lot of your input, from your channels, and my good fortune, having fished the BASSMASTER trails with some of the greatest anglers who ever lived.

  21. Unfortunately when the school started sending iPads home with my kids in 3rd grade this fight was over. They would have/should banned this technology at the juinor/high school/college level if it wasn’t the future. BASS/MLF will mandate electric outboards before they outlaw this tech imo. I have tournament fished for 25 years now at least 15-20 of them a year competing against 15 boats to 100+ and always complained about not enough time on the water due to work compared to the guy that won who works for himself and can pre-fish whenever … guess what?..say we both have the technology and I bet I still can’t beat him. Some guys are just better than others and can retain more. Clunn and Hackney had a great conversation about it at the Champlain T on live mix. Unfortunately everything dies and we didn’t need Livescope to come along to figure that out! One last thing… you can easily put a livescope setup on a boat these days for less than one of your 12” side scan units. Most are gonna say that’s a no brainer. “If your not scoping your hoping”😢

  22. I totally agree Randy… and have my bias that if you need that much tech to find fish… then you are not much of an angler. Certainly should be banned in pro competitions. I'm a bank fisher (for now)… and have to do my research each time to ferret out where they are and what they are biting. I may get skunked here and there… but all part of the sport and process. Thanks for bringing up the topic and for continuing the conversation about protecting the future of fisheries and our sport!

  23. I agree with you 100%. If this continues it will impact the fisheries dramatically. What is fun of it of using that technology. This technology saddenes me to core. Keep fighting Randy. Be blessed

  24. I'm a bank fisherman and I catch bass everytime I fish, without aNy electronics, these people are just stupid…they'd probably buy a robot that catches the fish for them.

  25. You just gained a sub, they’re taking the hunt out of the sport of fishing. I talked to an angler, and he said just because I have the technology to find them, doesn’t mean I’ll catch them. I just walked away, because they don’t understand it. Just like you are shooting for that $200,000 tournament, it’s not fair to loose to someone who has, uses that technology to take that away from people like you. I get it, and keep preaching it brother

  26. Randy, I agree, 100% it will be arcade/cartoon screen fishing soon but that’s what they want. Nobody wants to fish the real way. That’s our generation fast and easy and your awesome overnight you need to start the Iron Man league👍

  27. Like everything beginning the morning after Eve gave Adam his first "taste" of the "apple"
    And that's not a bad thing as money and profit (in peace time) is what DRIVES invention and innovation in everything if not for a man or mens desire for wealth we wouldn't have the overwhelming majority of the technologies and technological advancements we have today
    When it comes to electronic technology as it applies to fishing and even hunting there obviously comes a point when technology used to find and catch fish and find and hunt trophy class bucks and bulls creates very serious and significant ethical conflicts but also creates an ever bigger much more problematic conflict of who exactly should (not does but should) and by what criteria decide what technology are ethical and allowed to use and which are not and then it becomes even more convoluted when people try to decide what applications and uses of technology are ethical and be allowed and which are unethical and should not be allowed and as is always the case of regulating the use of all types of technology the technology in question is out and been in use for often a significant amount of time before the need to regulate it becomes overwhelming and usually by then that technology has become so great in popularity and making so much money the producers and users of said technology can exert very considerable influence over those governing bodies who regulate such things as is the case with sonar technology as it is used in professional fishing and cellular trail cams and drones for use in hunting
    But professional fishing is many many times much larger of a sport and generates many 100s of times more money and revenue than professional hunting ever will
    The solution sounds simple enough that groups representing professional fishing organizations along with representatives from the sonar electronics industry and the top minds in bass fishing biology and those that run and regulate professional fishing all get together for how ever many meetings it takes and develop rules and guidelines of technology use in professional fishing but unfortunately as is always the case with money any situation where money is a major factor decisions are anything but simple
    But unquestionably very serious discussions need be held on sonar use in professional fishing and and using unbiased biological data determine if FFS is actually have a harmful affect on both the bass and the sport of professional fishing and then create rules governing FFS that are as fair and ethical within the boundaries of common sense
    Now that the genie that is FFS 360 sonar is out of the bottle and has proven itself to be to professional fishing what the jet engine was to aviation its going to be no small feet to regulate its use and individual applications

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