Lake Anna is a winter hotspot when it comes to fishing for inland landlocked striped bass and hybrid striped bass. Join Alex McCrickard, Aquatic Education Coordinator, and Scott Herrmann, Fisheries Biologist, as they team up to show you tactics and techniques for catching stripers and hybrids even in the dead of winter! Additionally, John Odenkirk, Fisheries Biologist, highlights Lake Anna from a management perspective. Learn about the trends in this unique fishery and why John thinks Anna is currently in its “heyday.” Furthermore, John outlines how license dollars allow DWR to establish and maintain striped bass and hybrid striped bass fisheries across the state!
For additional information about the fishery and how to access Lake Anna visit our website:
Man that was a good report ….I’m going to dike 3 in morning just to catch the fresh air and the beautiful view I always catch nice fish by the bout house on the opposite side of the street at dike 3 …..I wouldn’t trade this fishing hole for nothing ❤
Are there any musky in Lake Anna?
Do a snake head video some day
Ya We Fishing
When was this recorded?
Is John related to bob odenkirk?
Well said salute to dwr guy. Majority of dwr/game warden are Ahole
do you guys ever catch 'em and eat 'em ??? …
Anyone do any kayak fishing for stripers? Suggestions for put-in spots? Thanks!
Always has been a great lake for fishing, you go guys!
How does the warm side of Lake Anna compare to the cold side for Stripers?
Nice report! Keep em coming.
Thanks for the tips. Any tips for those who don’t have a boat?
Love these videos.
Great job! Can you catch stripers from the bank? And what location?
What was the jig you were using and what other bait are good this time of year
Great job guys look forward to fishing Lake Anna . I have restored a 21 ft aluminum boat this water for spring fishing !
Wheres the best place to fish on the bank at lka?
Great video. Question: As a kayak fisherman where would be the best place to launch my kayak?
I sure need to catch one