In this bass fishing video we go bank fishing at this pond that is loaded with big bass. Have you gone pond fishing recently? Do you enjoy pond fishing? Have you caught some big bass while pond fishing recently? What type of pond fishing videos / bank fishing videos would you like to see? Let me know if you like these bass fishing videos / bank fishing videos. Also leave your feedback on the big bass fishing videos / big bass pond fishing videos. Now lets go bank fishing at this pond that is loaded with big bass!
New Lews X KTBTv Combos (BACK IN STOCK) –
New Big Bass Energy Merch –
Fishing Lures I Use –
Fishing Rods & Reels I Use –
Double Digit Bass Video –
Last Pond Fishing Video –
Another Pond Fishing Video –
More Pond Fishing Videos –
IG – @Kickin_Their_Bass_Tv & @NoahPescitelli
Cody’s IG – @codymarty
Get your rod and reel combos before cHrIStMas –
Your my favorite YouTuber and. You are a big role model to me and am 12 and caught my first 10 pounder to day on a jig,I would love to be the subscriber of the.thanks for all your vifeos
Can we go fishing with you please
Bro I was dying Over cwhismiss
I need those shoes you have on man.
Where do you get your ChowderBat
Holy shit homie got super stoned befo this video… Maybe hell come down by crimpsmass
I need to upgrade my rod to a med-heavy
Today is the day. Subscribed
That was so vunny
Great video and content
Where is Daddy Van Dam????
Bring him back !
Looks like a foot fisherman's paradise. Well done!
I am starting my first fishing session this week coming up at a near by lake. Thank you for all the help , tips and ways to make it easier and fun for me to catch my first fish! 🔥 💯
Chatter bites are the best on God
Soooooo funnny🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Just saw this. What happened to your Chevy truck?
How the fuck ypu fishing bass in the winter time?!
Thank you
Can you give me a fishing pole
Bro you must of smoked a dooby before recording that
I died on that intro xD
Yo what happened to that badass KTB truck lol ?
I am actually laughing my ass off at the beginning 😭
My name is jeff
Order them thangs NOW not later 😂😂😂
I died at the intro lmao keep up the vids Noah love the content always
Noah smoking on that gas before hitting the pond love to see it 🔥
Some good trees 🌲 😂
Idk how u do it. I went fishing last weekend here in NC and no even one bite. 🤔
Awesome video my videos are starting to get better and I know how much work it takes too make a good quality fishing video like this it ain’t easy and you deserve a pat a n the back!
Once i have enough i’m buying that new combo!!
Happy holidays to you and the fam
I love all of your videos, but maybe try to travel outside the US south. Especially with the winter hitting.
brodie smoking that bass pack
love the bank fishing videos man~ keep kickin dem baAaAAaAsssSs