Randy talks about the best size of boat for bass fishing…#lighttackle #bassfishing #bassmasters #fishing #fishingtips #sportfishing #boating #basslake #bassfish #bassboats
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For the price and performance there isn’t a boat better than the BassCat Pantera 2.
Randy you would love my Ranger R82 with Flippin deck. Hope you find the perfect boat.
Depends on where you fish the most. On my local 15-30k acre lake 18.5 is perfect. On the Great Lakes I wouldn’t go out in anything less than 21-24 ft.
An 18' boat also has a single axle trailer. That makes it easier to maneuver the boat & trailer when I'm pushing it into my garage. Also, here in California, the bridge tolls are cheaper for a single axel trailer.
If you are going to fish tournaments with Co-anglers, 18 is too short. If you are going to fish team tournaments you need a 20-21’. If you just solo fish with no partners and rarely other anglers, 18-19 is ok. The short boats rock side to side too much with two active anglers. Plus short boats can be dangerous by getting hooked by the other angler on their back cast. Back in the 1970’s, anglers used 5 1/2 to 6 foot rods. Now everyone uses 7 to 8 foot rods. 8 foot plus 8 foot is 16 feet. There is overlap.
Tandem axle trailer also
I have a 2017 Nitro Z18 with a 175 pro xs. Bought it new at the end of 2016. I absolutely love it.
My pocket agrees with you, Randy 😂
is it safe to say we wont be seeing a Randy B live scope?
I've had 14" Jon boat, 5.3 Lund Tyee and now G3 17' w/50 hp…G3 has been the most "efficient;" miss some of the space in the Lund, but I tend to take a lot with me…G3 has been easiest to lauch/recover by myself.(of the 2 "big" boats)
Have went??
Problem is, everyone seems to think their old, for sale boats are worth as much as new ones.
My old 84 Ranger 372 fished better than my 2005 SX200 Skeeter..
2005 Ranger 619 and will probably keep it forever. Bought it new way back in the day for $35,000 and now unaffordable new. Do not want a bigger boat.
Do you have to have a new boat or can you live with a new-used boat? For big water lakes, I think 19.5’ is the minimum, not 18’. We all know boats depreciate like crazy the first year. If the money is the same, should you rather have a new 150 or a 1 year old 200 or 250? If you downsize your boat and motor won’t it affect your fishing style, especially in big $ tournaments? The high school and college boats I see on TV are full size, fully equipped but not new and certainly not $100k since they’re used. What would the “used” boat that you “lost” have cost you to keep? Just sayin’. Good luck in your future derbies.
17.5 ft Alumacraft. Love it.
I fish out of a 18ft nitro with a 150 merc. It does everything I need to do. If the water is too rough for that I don’t get on the water.
By myself, i seem to catch the most from a 15'8 alumaweld bass boat, casting decks, with a 50hp. It moved easily with minimum trolling motor input. Fishing with two people in the boat, probably caught most from a Ranger 360v with a 150. No real way to substantiate or quantify those picks, just happens to be that way.
18ft boat in 10 ft seas?come on
A 12 ft jon boat is what you need. It goes well with your no live scope electronics. Get back to basics you always say, right Randy?
Good luck in a tiny 18 footer! IMO, don’t go anything under 19’. 20’ is ideal.