
The Amazing Thing Bass Do In April That Most Anglers Are Unaware Of…

Randy describe some bass behavior in the month of April…#bassfishing #bass #bassmaster #fishing #fishingdaily #angler #fishingtrip #catchandrelease #fishinglife #angler

Lake map breakdowns…

Solarbat Blaukat sunglasses link…

Blaukat old school jig link…

Baitwrx link…


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Thank you Randy! Yes guys listen to the teacher and LEAVE BEDDING FISH ALONE! I really find it hard to believe they hold so many tournaments during spawning season.
    There is just something about grabbing your pole walking to a spot where you think the bass might be and trying to figure what they might bite on and it comes together and you play that fish you enjoy it, gently release it and move on knowing you can come back and do it again.
    It is you one on one with nature. That's what fishing has always been to me. We need to protect that.
    Thanks again Randy

  2. Congratulations Randy u make some of the best vids it helping me with fishing bass nation stuff and club tournys keep u the good work

  3. I see big bass nests on 80 percent of the lakes I fish during 1st and 2nd week of June here in North Central Indiana. Most of these lakes are natural spring fed. There are some swallower lakes I see them late April. After they spawn, bass turn off. I usually river fish or switch to white bass, crappie and bluegill. Good stuff Randy. I enjoy sitting in the kayak and watching big bass spawning. I leave em be. Just enjoy the experience. It's all about renewable resources and taking care of our precious bodies of water. #kayakfishing #NoElectronics

  4. Also respect the fish you catch guys, I hate videos where people think it’s cool to boat flip a bass and let it drop really hard on the deck, or throwing the bass back real high off the water. I would love to reach in the video and smack the shit out of those people! Just give these fish the respect they deserve

  5. catching bass everyday you simply look for better fish leading us to we’re we caught them in pre spawn locations rather than harassing bass reproducing removing bass from a bed is not a ethical thing to do ,tournaments don’t do or fish justice,Randy an family congratulation for your hard work .🎉

    Guntersville 3/25/2023
    MLF Tournament
    60 anglers zeroed
    31 anglers caught less than 5lbs.
    Check it out for yourselves.
    All that is done is words.
    Take action, stop participating in organized tournaments.
    Our fisheries are being decimated. Retailers, manufactures and bass organizations know that the released fish after hours in a live well and more are not surviving.

  7. I love bed fishing. It's so much fun trying to figure out their mood and trying to find that " hot spot" on the bed. I always put them right back on top of their bed.

  8. Yep, leave those spawning fish be! And the shades – my wife thinks I'm crazy. I've three pair in the boat, two sets of Ray-Bans in the car and one pair in my small cooler. Two years ago I lost a pair to the lake & didn't have backups. That won't happen again!

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