A seemingly impossible fishing endeavor, I attempt to fish the LARGEST lake in Maryland, on foot, with the goal being to catch as many fish as I can! 3 hours of research, 6 hours of driving, 8 hours of fishing, 25+ mouths to feed, will my plan come together?
Check out my MULTI-SPECIES Fishing Challenge in BRACKISH Water!!! https://youtu.be/GssXFQ6OUBo
Use code “1ROD” at googan checkout to get 10% your ENTIRE order + you’ll be supporting me & the squad 🙂 https://googansquad.com/r?id=i1ugvc
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#fishing #bankfishing #adventure #outdoors #family
Rod/Reel/Line/Lures used:
-out fishing, will update later!
Location: Deep Creek Lake in Maryland
Date: June 8th, 2018
Primary Pattern: Fishing finesse jigs, minnows, and nightcrawlers along rocky drop offs in 22-26 feet of water
Time Fished: 11 am – 7 pm
Air Temp: High of 84 degrees
Water Temp: 67 degrees
Water Clarity: 12 – 20+ feet
Conditions: Cloudy with winds from the west up to 12 mph
Check out my Playlists for more Awesome Vids!
CLASSIC 1R1R Fishing Vids! http://bit.ly/Classic1R1R
EPIC Fishing Adventures! http://bit.ly/FishADVENTURES
Fishing W Papa1Rod/Reggie/LEGENDS! http://bit.ly/FishinWLegends
CRAZY Fishing Challenges! http://bit.ly/CRAZYChallenges
How-To Instructional Fishing Vids! http://bit.ly/HowToFishing
All my Fishing Playlists! http://bit.ly/1R1RFishingPlaylists
Amazon Links for Gear I ALWAYS USE (Affiliate)
1. $20 Foldable Net https://amzn.to/3P3BStd
2. Stream Thermometer https://amzn.to/3NIbQuE
3. Reel Grips https://amzn.to/3upJMFy
4. $20 Universal Tripod https://amzn.to/3bEIlML
5. Gopro Hero 9 Black (BEST GOPRO – DON’T Buy Hero 10) https://amzn.to/3R4yHmS
6. Gopro Chest Mount https://amzn.to/3PceOZx
Email – mhsiao8@gmail.com (business inquiries only)
Watching this in 2024 and wishing I found u sooner. Blessings man
Your slow u think that weight drops a foot a second lmao more like 3-4 feet a second
good job bro
Amazing great job SLAYY
I go here every July with the wife we love it
The ant carrying the turd, was some heavy shit.
That ant was married and his wife said “take your sh*t and leave”
I just caught my pb 31 inch
Where did you park?
i caught my first pickerel there it was abt 17 inches
Love to show you some beautiful fishing spots around here
When u bit that Warm ik u Asian 😂
I’ve been fishing there for a while. Where do you get your minnows at?
Just so you know walleye I don’t feed just on the bottom
Rock bass are good eating too. I catch em in the marina all the time 8 to 10 inches. If it is too rough or hot to go out in the boat I will keep a pile of them and bluegill. And never say a largie isn't an eating fish. He was small but they are tasty!
You know asian people love eating fish had me dying
I fish that lake hard to find a place their are some boat ramps it really deep in the middle
He is the best youtube fishermen there is
Man I love deep creek. Need to make another trip there.
the bump at the hand ahahahahhahahahahahha love u bro
I can easily see a new angler catching a walleye and lipping it thinking it was a bass lol
damn, he's been fishing for 2 years now
still hasn't updated what rod/reel/line/lures he was using lol
no hate just a funny thing
1rod: tries to blur the tumbnail
Me obsesed with fishing:"oh walleye"
Awesome pickerel, pike, walleye and perch video.
he did not just bite a night crawler in half
I think walleye are best eating fresh water fish.
Walleye are great fish. Nice catch.
walleye are also really good eating
Why is there no largemouths
My lake house is across That bridg and a lane called timber