These are some of my favorite offshore fishing baits that catch big bass for me! Give them a try!
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1) Berkley Dredger 20.5 –
2) Cumberland Pro Lures Prayer Jig –
3) Berkley Maxscent Magnum Hit Worm –
4) Zman Chatterbait Jackhammer –
5) D&M Custom Signature Series Swimbait –
6) Dirty Jigs Tour Level Skirted Football Jig –
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My Profile:
I was born and raised in Chicago, but after working 12 years in the financial Industry regulating the futures and options markets at the CME/CBOT I decided to pursue my passion fishing professional tournaments and left my full time corporate job. At that point, I moved to Junction City, WI with my wife Sara and two boys Hank and Duke. I’ve been fishing professionally since 2011 and full-time since 2015. I’ve qualified for seven MLF Championships and won over a half million in tournament winnings at the professional level.
Eventually I will be off the shore and in a Yak learning the offshore bite. What would you recommend to start with for rod/reel line for the chatterbait and jigs?
Great information Matt! I’m going to try heavy chatter baits deep this winter. I would add a Carolina Rig with a tungsten weight and a lizard or baby brush hog. Thanks again.
I'm such a lure junkie! 8" Strike King Bullworm on a shakey head & 1 oz big spinnerbait with either big double willows or a single big colorado blade slow rolled on the bottom, occasional twitches…give them a shot! 👍
Where do I get that swim bait
Awesome breakdown for fishing deep, thanks for also explaining your retrieves for these lures, very good!!!
I'll add a deep diving jerkbait, a heavy spinnerbait and a blade bait too
Could you do some videos about bank fishing?
Hi Matt, I really enjoy your videos on lures and techniques, but I have a request and I think it would be something fresh and different for your channel. I know you build most of your own rods. I make a lot of my own lures, but have never built a rod. I would love to give it a try, but really wouldn't know where to start. Ever thought doing a 2 or 3 part detailed, step by step tutorial?
Your buddy Randy said today keep a football jig moving on the bottom with erratic movement. I was wondering why he or you would not want to use a stop and go retrieve with a football jig ?
You made an interesting comment I'll paraphrase: there are a ton of options but I'll always have these 6 tied on if fishing deep. Perhaps you can incorporate that mind set in more of your seasonal or conditions deep dives? Thanks for sharing.
The Slideinn channel is the real deal in fly fishing for trout. Bass University or whatever that is called is literally the best in bassing. It's hard to find people who know what they're doing on the Tube.
Don't EVER dropshot with the 4in Plum Maxscent Hit Worm. It's terrible and NEVER works. And I have NOT caught monsters doing that.. 😉
Great video! Love that these videos always include advice on the most effective retrieves.
Great stuff as always. What hook are you using on the D&M and that looks like a 6", please confirm if you like that or the 7" variant.
Fish lake james nc Around the linvile dam and Islands. Had most of my luck of a blade bait/ flat side Ed crank! Also 1/8 or 1/16 oz tube has pulled quite a few pb’s for me.
Have you ever fished Raystown Lake in Pennsylvania
Swing head / zoom x craw is definitely one of my favorite off shore methods ……. 10inch Texas rig worm pretty high on the list also
Love this video. Great choices! I also like to clean up with a drop shot after the bite slows down.
I like a lipless and drop shot next to deep cover. Thanks Matt I hope you're getting ready its almost time.
That blooper squirrel got me to thinking – about 18 months ago I was in the pet section. What I saw was a chipmunk size squirrel "cat toy" I think I should have picked up. I think I could have made a one of a kind top water out of it.
You fish the football the same way as I do. I do like a blade bait too as they drop like a rock like a hair jig. Your list is on the money, just shorter than mine.
Give Ramsey bait a try. I caught a lot of fish this year on them in deep water.
This is more great juice from MS. I often get paralysis-by-analysis in trying to select the best bait for the situation, and how to fish it. It's really helpful to hear the at-a-glance details like retrieve speed and etc that he covered.
Do you use the hair jigs more for smallies or larger mouths ?
I always disliked the big lips on deep diving crankbaits. I favor using a Carolina rig or your reverse drop shot rig with a line with a snap tied on instead of a hook to get a shallow running crank to run deep.
And it is made out of a single hook I can change different weight heads
I just want to let you know that on this video when you were talking about heritage I just made myself one a homemade hair jig for the bottom of the river and it came out actually but I haven't used it yet but this summer when it gets back here again I will be trying it and then I will let you know how it works
Matt on that 3/4 oz football jig, for those who maybe newer throwing that. Pay attention to how long it takes for your football jig to reach bottom.
If your jig doesn’t hit bottom when it should, set the hook!
Many wouldn’t think a bass would catch a 3/4 hunk of lead falling thru the water column, but they do.
Matt, Can you please do a video for winter fishing for bank anglers (on shore)? Ponds and lakes would be appreciated. Unfortunately, as a bank anglers we don't have cheat sheets (electronics & scopes). You can make a series targeting location. For example winter bank fishing for the Northwest, Northeast Midwest, South etc. I live in the NYC area and the water temperature gets around 30-45 degrees and we don't have shad. Bluegill, perch, crappie and the occasional silver minnow are the bait fish.. Thanks
Our waters never really get super deep, but when I am offshore, I really like a lipless. I can fish it in different parts of the water column and use different retrieves to trigger bites, from cranking it to stroking it.
You did a excellent job and covered it well. Maybe a Carolina rig.
🍺Thanks Matt. The Hog Farmer stand up hair jig comes to mind. (Magic bream) or (Albino)
Flutter spoon!!
Loved it , good one