Randy talks about fishing big worms…#angling #bassfishing #baitandtackle #basslake #fishing #fish #sportfishing #bass
Please use my tackle warehouse link below to order some of the products I talked about in this video or any other gear you may need …,using this link is a great way to support the channel and I really appreciate it!
Zoom monster mag worm link…
Blaukat solarbat sunglasses link…https://www.solarbat.com/products/rb3
My fish the moment lake map breakdown link …https://fishthemoment.com/lake-breakdowns-randy
My gamakatsu big worm hook link …
Thanks for the tips Randy they are really appreciated!!
Randy, I finally ran out of an old hook I'd use for big worms& ive lost some big, key fish on the newer offset's- I'm gettin' some packs of those 3/0 gamagatsu straight shanks' right away. I know you always put out info from your experience+ that hook has got to be the deal.