How To

How And When To Fish The Jighead Worm Rig

Randy talks about how to fish the simple jig head worm rig…#fish #angling #bassfishing #fishing #angler #bass #catchandrelease #fishingvideo

Lake map breakdowns…

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  1. I used to take about 2" off my dad's Culprit red shad worms and put them on a 1/4 oz Cotee red jig head made for the saltwater, and I used it in a golf course pond. He used the whole worms Texas rigged. He had 20 lb mono, I had 6. And I caught 5 times as many fish as he did. These were Florida LMB and the ponds didn't have structure other than a little rip rap. The fish were 3' from the bank and casting parallel to the shore was the trick. We caught some slob size channel catfish there on worms too. My rigs worked because there wasn't much to snag. I remember dad laughing until the slaying started 😂. All those fish had weird sores and ringworms or something gross. We ket them all go of course.

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