If you are trying to learn more about your Lowrance Active Target, or your Garmin Livescope, Grae Buck and Kyle Patrick walk you through their setups for the respective units that they use. Unlock the secrets to catch more and bigger bass with your FFS, with these juicy tips from Kyle and Grae.
Kyle Patrick: Garmin LVS 34 Grae Buck: Lowrance Active Target
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It pressures fish plain and simple. Whether or not thats a negative on the fishery will take 10 years plus to determine, and since only the government will fund the studies required it will take 30 years. I'm really looking at the eagle eye due to the price point being $1k but I don't know if I want my weekend warrior fun fishing on a 900acre home lake to become "only cast when I see something". I grew up with video games so I have the draw to it… just feels like it will take away from the entire reason I started fishing to get outdoors away from electronics.