Roman Made is best well known for for their bait called the Roman Made Mother, a giant 12″ swimbait that is made out of wood, in Japan, by hand. The Mother has been one of the biggest swimbaits on the market until now. With the new Mother Chaser on the market, the Mother has been dethroned and the Mother Chaser has replaced it. At 16″ long and weighing 22ounces, it is the largest swimbait I personally own. In this video, we take a first hand look at the new swimbait and get an up close look at the bait.
Roman Made:
Shout out to David Swenseid for allowing me to get the bait!
David is the Manager of DUO International. R&D Manager of Realis, a JDM hard bait brand.
Swimbait Underground:
At one of my last BASS open tournaments, I fished as a Co-angler and weighed in a single 12 inch largemouth bass at 14 ounces. I was killing them.
22 oz !! Need a surf rod for that mfer
Did he really say a 6 pounder wasn’t that big! Lol
I hate to say it, but, that baits action is weak for the price. It’s more of a trophy to sit on the shelf with the paint job and all.
OMG MAN I love da collection!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Brotha!!!! Love da Lure!!! ❤❤❤❤
Pretty poor action, the bottom half has all the action of a dead tree. Not impressed
We have a different idea of what a giant is. I live in NH sooo ya sucks to be me
Lol you have way to much money or your just crazy about these green fish , but awesome baits dude
950 bucks could've bought the tools to make them yourself …. I would never buy a lure over 15 bucks … Exploitation at its best
Only fish caught are the 2 legged species apparently..
It's great caught caught a brown trout on the first cast. recommend if it was a little smaller it would be more effective for different species
Cannot imagine the feeling of getting that thing snagged..
It didn’t catch. It suck
I watched this clip again after couple years, I purchased the chaser after I watch this two years ago, but I never fish with it 🤫😬
I throw mine on 11' surf rod 30# braid (not)😆😅😆😁✌
Hey lake Poway! Nice vid as always
the japanese guy smart he make it very Expensive because some ppl buy thing to see why its so Expensive
for sure its very bad bait
4lber, 6lber, not massive at all….. spoiled
I'm curious as to what you think of it now being a year later. Have you fished it more, have you caught any on it, or did you retire it?
That's probably the only bait that I would not throw since it is Number 1.
Love your vids dude
For what it's worth I'm not sure why you haven't dived into making your own lures. Given your following and influence in SU it wouldn't be hard at all to make a name for yourself! A dremmel and a band saw is all the equipment you would need.
You need a tackle box just for that one lure .
You actually bought that boat anchor for that? Jeez people will buy any damn thang. 🤦♂️
Marling baits looked better and swam better lmao
Where in the world would this thing actually catch fish? Not anywhere near me! lol
That's insane.
This lure playing underwater like a cheap piece.
makes me wonder if its more of a novelty item…
Love it. Bait costs more than the boat
gets hung up 😐
I cringed when you took it out of the box, when you casted it, and when you were just showing it at the end if the video. It made me stress like when my kids are near my Mustang. Hang it up on the wall and convert the original box into a shadow box. What lake was that?
You Know How Many Swimbaits I Could Buy With $950..Lol
The paint job is amazing on this bait but in the real world give me 15 huge savage gear line thru trout instead any day
Your swim-bait is the same same size as a good sized keeper rainbow trout.
>buying most expensive giant lure in the world
>casting it off because it's heavy
0:02 me right after I order
For a lure that expensive I would have to buy scuba gear in case it gets hung up on something!
Say massive bait 3 times fast
Functionally, too tough to cast over and over and over.
Nice Video, interesting content. I agree with Keylay, what are you trying to catch Bears, Mountain Lions or Sasquatch? Geoff, you REALLY just won me over by simply saying…It's Probably Not Practical but cool to own! I do see an application in Big Deep Waters like The Great Lakes (Trolling). I am a Nebraska Fisherman and we have some Toothy Large Creatures that would love to Bite that thing. Won't be pretty for long though. Personally, I would add weight strips to bottom so that it dove a little. Kind of big for Top Water, asking a lot of the fish to come get it.
I hope that came with a reach around!… you got screwed
Mf's knock like the cops!
I made a glidebait close to this size and I thought it had shitty action, but it swims almost just like this one
I would only throw that lure if I bring a snorkel and goggles so in case snag i can find it
This is just plain dumb 🙄
I gotta say……… you are crazy as cat shit if you think I'm gonna spend $900 + dollars on a swim bait! I wish you the best though.
This video gave me Casey neistat vibes