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Fishing Spillways for Snook, Strip Bass and Largemouth Bass (Part 1) 🎥🔥🎣‼️

“Y’all know what time it is” and this video i went fishing for snook, strip Bass and largemouth bass it was a cold day so the bite kinda started off slow for me but as the day went by and it heated up the bite picked up which I ended up having to my a part two hope u enjoy @hoodfishingentertainment


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  1. That was awesome how you and ol boy respected when the other was trying to land one. And how you stopped and helped get his in the net. Keeping breaking down them barriers buddy

  2. I bought that same reel at wal mart , first tautog / black fish the gears were toast . Thing is complete trash . Penn has been selling a ton of garbage the past 10 years

  3. Bra, that’s some reel hood fishin with your reel busting like that 🫣😂🤣… That junk was funny, and great for the camera 🎥… I love it though. It’s always great to see another brotha that loves to fish. 💪🏾🫡

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