Go Fishing

Fishing a Big Bass Georgia Farm Pond

Fished a really nice big farm pond in south Georgia this summer and was searching for some topwater frog bites for big bass.

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Old Town PDL 120 Kayak https://bit.ly/sportsman_creek_fishing

Gopro Hero 10 https://amzn.to/3PLqjHW
gopro kayak wind mic media mod https://amzn.to/3Q2wGq1
Editing Software Filmora Wondershare

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P.O. Box 5692
Cleveland, TN 37320-5692


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Luckily here in south Georgia the weather is pretty decent most of the time during the winter months and we are able to get out and do some type of fishing or hit the coast. Another great video John!!! Farm ponds are the best!!

  2. I've been bass fishing in ponds for over 45 years. I've discovered ALL YOU NEED is a few SENKOs and a few SUPERFLUKEs on SPINNING GEAR (18lb Gliss=6lb diameter). Leave the lead and trebles at home. (Weightless) Senko (green pumpkin, black, junebug) for deeper water, SuperFluke (pearl, albino, mardi gras) for grass and everything else. Keep it simple!

  3. Hey John, like you I'm sitting here in S.E. KY. with rainy, gloomy weather, just waiting for spring. I'm glad for any content you got in the pipeline, no matter when you filmed it. It gets us through the off season. I'm just a 'ol guy trying to retire from work, so I'll have more time to fish ! LOL ! My daughter lives in Dalton, so I hope to learn that area and expand my fishing horizons some day. Georgia seems to be a good state for fishing also. I enjoy following Aaron's Outdoors. He seems to be another clean-cut young man with a love of fishing. As always, please be safe out on your "Adventures" ! Randy B.

  4. Nice video, really love the intro music. I enjoy watching your stuff, keeps my mind off the lack of fishing around here. I'm looking forward to some ice fishing soon, if the weather cooperates.

  5. Keep putting out whatever content you can. This kind of stuff helps get us fishermen thru the winter. Lots of your techniques are reminder of how to get back to simple. Looking forward to next year myself, planning on going to GA to chase the slam, maybe we can meet up. As always, truly love the scripture quotes at the end!

  6. I appreciate the videos John. I'm not even getting bites on my last outings. Good to see someone catching something, even if it's from summer time 馃憤馃檹

  7. Well brother they weren't all giants but you had plenty of good healthy fish. Great video to share. Love those ponds and fish that don't see a ton of lures. Blessings John

  8. I'm from Minnesota. Worked in Georgia a bit. I'd walk into some guy's office and he'd have a twelve or thirteen pound bass on the wall. I'd aski where he caught that, and I'd get this slow drawl "Awww- jest out back in the pond." I'd rip out a little more hair..

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