I went to a new area to Kayak fish in Kentucky, I have never been there, so this is new to me as you are watching!! He had to make a bet for most fish caught after he was ahead, so I accepted of course!!! I had a blast fishing with a subscriber today!! once i figured out what the fish was doing!!! i had to downsize a ton to a ned nig and change the color due to the color of the water, once i figured that out watch out!! We caught every bass species today!!
3 27 Less than a minute
Great video! You are the man! I enjoyed watching this. Good job puttin the hammer down out there and making him do the walk of shame with those absolutely wild looking flip flops! Keep up the good work my friend. And as always, #Stiksfishingchannel rocks!!!
There's muskie in there!
Dude I honestly did not expect that fish to be a walleye in that creek ha.