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DOLLAR STORE Bass Fishing Lures Are REAL? Daiso Fishing Lures!

Can you believe these Dollar Store Bass fishing lures are real? These Daiso lures were sent to the show by a subscriber. These baits look great for just one dollar! I am curious how they perform and will try bass fishing with them in the future. Thanks to everyone who sends mail in to the show. I have a great time looking at all of the different lures that are available, like these Japanese bass fishing lures. I especially like cheap fishing lures like these! Fishing doesn’t have to be expensive and I actually enjoy the challenge and thrill of catching bass on budget gear. #fishing #realistic

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  1. Awesome bass Alex and wonderful subscriber mail!! That Japanese dollar store lures look amazing!! So wish I had one of those around here too. Thank you for always keeping it realistic Alex 🙂!

  2. Always fun opening viewer mail. It's hot here in SW Alabama down near Gulf Shores but I'm still trying to fish. Fished in a cooling light rain last week and while I caught nothing, man it sure felt nice. Keep It Realistic Alex.

  3. Yep it's like that here in PA to. The fishing is hard. I did catch a one and half pounder bass today on a spinner bait and missed a monster towards evening on a strike king thunder cricket type chatter bait.

  4. At my local pond, I have had the most luck with Zoom Finesse Worms. Green Pumpkin seems to work the best, but I've caught fish on a variety of colors I've been purchased. I tend to stick to the more natural colors.

  5. Bite has been so slow that I pretty much have been using my ultralight and going for panfish, at least it is fun. Took my son out yesterday and he caught his first Northern. He was using a swim jig that came with his first rod combo in some odd color. Naturally it happened after I told him he probably would not catch anything on it. Served me right, you would think I would have learned something after watching this channel for a few years now :).

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