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Crappie, panfish and largemouth bass using stingeye spinners

It’s time for catching crappies and panfish. We’ve got the Thundermist crew out of the water on this beautiful summer day running the smaller Stingeye Spinners and spinning up a wide variety of panfish and even some “bucket mouth” bass!

▶ If you want to get your own Stingeye Spinners, you can get them here:

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As always until next time, good luck and good fishin’!


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. On perch,rock bass or rock perch or any fish really,I've started clipping off two legs of my treble hooks on all lures. Or completely clip off of spinners & other fixed tremble lures,adding a tiny split ring & installing the best and/or legal size single hook on all. I seem to hook up just fine with no noticeable difference in strike & successful hook up ratio than with trebled lures. It makes hook remove much more easy & pleasant for the fish & myself. Way less traumatic on the inhalers that strike hard & take in say a whole treble & get hooked all to hell making hook removable take longer, more tramatic & difficult. I'm out there to enjoy,relax,have fun. I got tired of fighting out hooks & dealing with tangles. I've actually taken alot of the pains out of rod fishing all species.

  2. Hello Ivo . . . Looks like you had a nice day fishing – there are time I too just want to catch and release,
    over all that large mouth bass was a great catch – as always enjoyed watching your fishing videos !

  3. Just wanted to say I love your channel and the fact that you are local to me. I live in Niagara Falls and I just picked up the stingnose jigging spoons and they truly work!

  4. Great video! I got a question for you, I’ve seen that you’ve fished port colbourne quite a bit and I have recently been going there quite a bit and have noticed a very large population of long nose gar in the area there all in the weeds suspended a few inches below the surface, was wondering if you’ve had any experience catching them or how you would go about it, I’ve had trouble fishing lures with the weeds, would a live bait set up work?

  5. Nice video👍 if you guys are ever in northern Wisconsin I suggest you guys should go to lake grindstone in Hayward Wisconsin. Some amazing perch and bluegill fishing in the summer. I caught a 13 inch bluegill there last week and some big perch.

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