Off the Arkansas and White Rivers in Arkansas we do a little crappie and white bass fishing.
Off the Arkansas and White Rivers in Arkansas we do a little crappie and white bass fishing.
Off the Arkansas and White Rivers in Arkansas we do a little crappie and white bass fishing.
4100 fishermen have signed up.
how strong is the current there
some nice size crappie there buds
My fishing buddies don't look like this.
@MrLoveGame14 Nope those are sandies. Bodies too fat for stripers of that size.
Nice first crappie!… and legs!!
@DrDoobs420 they are very good eating!
Crappie is a much more delicate and "sweet" fish to me. These, to me, are closer to a large mouth bass taste!
A bad day fishing beats a good day at work!
we dont have white bass up here in ontario canada, are they good eating like crappie? was just wondering, keep your lines tight!
@tristancooper1997 … its not actually.. its in the same family but its a species of small bass that can mate with striped bass… therefore making a hybrid striper
a white bass is a white perch
dammm that looks like bass city, what a nice place to fish, a ton of trees in the water very nice 😉
huge crappie…and cute girl
Looks like fun…nice vid!
really nice
We tried last Thursday and had no luck. Crappie were still down deep. Don't know where the white bass were. Water looked good, was running into the bayou. Maybe
the crazy weather
i would use road runners in muddy water
@legocrashernick Great! Now go learn how to spell!
Thanks! Wanted to do it again this year but the record rain fall messed up a lot
of fishing. )-:
Stripers are freshwater too…..dumbshit
sheba51, you are an idiot! Striped bass also live in freshwater rivers and lakes. You must have thought you have fished for 30 years! You must have been smoking pot during those 30 years!
the one at 2:00 is a small striper because it has a elongated body than white bass.
what kind of jigs are you guys using?
plz answer
I checked and everyone was right, there were some stripers in the mix. They were coming hard and fast and we did not pay too close attention.
Went to the same area on 4/24/09. Water was higher than last year! We were catching these fish on a ledge running from 1.5 feet to around 28 feet deep Same place was 12 feet deep to 40 feet deep this year.
Will look the video over.
I wish I was that close, when gas was $4 a gallon it was bad enough to fill the boat.
Filling the boat and jeep was $80!
what state is this in because i live by a white river.
Sorry, did not weigh any of them but they made
a fine mess of fish for dinner the next night!
They would bite about anything thrown at them,
but mainly a white body, pink head, and small
Wow thats some good fish you guys caught!!1
I have a similar green jig like the one you got.
What exactly did you use to catch the white bass?
that is the exact area the dioxin from
jacksonville shut down in the ….. early
80s. We ate them but try to not eat fish
too often from that area. (-:
i sincerely hope you didnt keep those fish if they came out of water anywhere near PB. Being from White Hall i know how bad the water is there. LOL. Great fishing and some great catches.
Nice video. It seems like you caught lots of fish.
I use it to find channels and deep spots when fishing somewhere new. All these places in my
videos are well known to those that grew up in
Arkansas County. (-:
Had to look but yes, they
are the mr. twisters. Will switch between the
white and chartreuse depending on conditions.
Have a good fishig trip!
thanks for this Bill, I'm headed for Okeechobee for some speck action next month, are you using mr. twisters chartreuse?
And I hear the fall crappie have
started biting!
Stuttgart, Arkansas
More known for its ducks and mosquitos. (-:
It was one of the nicer crappies. I did not
weigh it but it was a nice one.
Kyle's mother is the blond,Kaye. The tiny girl is Kyle's fiance Kendra
Man i love Crappie fishing.
Crappie is a white flesh, sweet tasting fish.
The small crappie we panfry and the larger ones we fillet and fry.
All we do is dip them in a light cornmeal batter with a touch of red pepper.
I use Pinnacle Studio 10. It is a user friendly product but the
release was loaded with bugs.
The newest version Pinnacle Studio 11 is out for $49 and hopefully
has most of the bugs removed. Look up pinnaclesys
It was fun, have to be at the right place in the spring. About
the only thing going on now is cat fishing.
very good video! looks like a great fishing trip!!!
It is and not to mention it is
104 degrees today!
We filet them, making sure to remove the dark
stripe of meat and usually fry them.
May try the grilled method next spring.
By August here it is so hot and the water so low
we have to catfish to do any good.