Welcome to SonarFishing! My name is Miles “Sonar” Burghoff. I fish the Bassmaster Opens tournament trail, guide in Alaska, and just all around LOVE fishing! It is my goal to deliver fresh fishing content on a weekly basis, consisting of videos highlighting my life on the tournament circuit, as well as relevant fishing tips and tricks.
Please feel free to drop a comment, or email me at sonar@sonarfishing.com with video topic requests. Thanks for watching!
Be sure to follow me on the Major League Fishing Pro Circuit at: www.majorleaguefishing.com
Also, be sure to visit my website and social media platforms for more great content!
Website: www.SonarFishing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sonarfishing
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/SonarFishing/
Battle Born Batteries- https://battlebornbatteries.com
Z-Man Fishing- https://zmanfishing.com/cms/index.php
BassBoatElectronics.com- https://www.bassboatelectronics.com
Mi-Sher Fleet- https://www.mi-sher.com
44tackle.com- https://www.44tackle.com
Navionics- https://www.navionics.com/usa/
MotorGuide- https://www.motorguide.com
Mercury- https://www.mercurymarine.com/en/us/
Hayabusa- https://hayabusafishing.com
Phoenix Boats- https://phoenixbassboats.com
Seaguar- https://seaguar.com
Power Pole- https://power-pole.com
Fitzgerald Fishing- https://fitzgeraldrods.com
Grew up vacationing on a small natural lake ne of Scranton. Floating Rapala, wacky worms, tube and occasional spinner bait were the most popular baits. This would have been cool to have back then. Ps. Drove up there from Cincinnati…..totally different water quality 😊. Fond memories.
Mono is better it’s a visual bite dude lol
What is your go to gear ratio ? For the lure
The lure is a hit or miss for me. Also, I had to downsize the hooks to keep the back from fouling up the blade and the front to keep from snatching the line. Caught a 6 on it when she was on bed. Z man should make a version a few inches smaller.
Thanks Miles. I have not tried that Hell Raiser yet. I love top water so I might pick 1 or two up. Enjoy your time at the cabin!
My personal best came from a small lake in CT 8.2lbs. I’m in SC now.
Right on. Had some luck on it last year. Definitely unique. I'm originally a S.W. CT native for 40 years. In Western P.A. now.
I've had zero luck with that lure they are collecting rust now.
Big fish. Little fish. It doesn't matter. Fishing is fun!